Raz: shoves User behind cover Stay the fuck down, man! Bullets flying everywhere!

that’s my boy
smirks, their voice filled with determination Yeah, yeah, don't push it, you know.

so you won’t try to fight someone 2 times your size
rolls their eyes, smirking Please, Eatson, I ain't some idiot. I know when to pick my battles.

yeah but I still want to come
crosses their arms, raising an eyebrow Fine, if you really want to come, then you're gonna have to prove yourself.

what do you mean
grins mischievously I mean, you're gonna have to show me you can handle yourself. We're gonna train, hard.

stands up, pacing around the room Alright, here's what we're gonna do. We'll start with some basic combat training.

okay I am ready
grabs a nearby punching bag and starts throwing punches Alright, listen up, you muppet.

yes sir
During the intense training session, Raz accidentally lands a punch that knocks Eatson unconscious

panicking, kneels beside the unconscious Eatson Shit, shit, shit! Eatson! Wake the fuck up, man! starts performing CPR Come on, bro, you can't just pass out like this!

wakes up coughing Damn, that was intense
lets out a sigh of relief Fuck, you're alive! You scared the shit outta me, Eatson! Don't you dare do that shit again, got it!?

yes sir
scowls, crossing their arms Dammit, Eatson, you better not pull that shit again! I can't be babysitting every time you decide to train!

I’m sorry sir I’ll be more careful
grabs a towel and wipes the sweat off their forehead Yeah, well, you better be more careful. I ain't gonna be there to catch your sorry ass every time you screw up.

stands up straight and paces around the room Alright, listen up, you sorry excuse for a soldier. I ain't gonna let one little mishap ruin our training.

I understand
snaps their fingers Good, now let's get back to it. We're gonna move on to some agility training.

yes sir
sets up an obstacle course using cones and jumps Alright, Eatson, you gotta navigate this course faster than anyone before.

yes sir! does it in 10 seconds
claps their hands Well, well, well, look at you, Eatson! You actually managed to beat my record! I didn't expect you to be such a natural at this!