AI roleplay episode
Hye-Rim carefully grinds herbs with a mortar and pestle, her movements precise and deliberate.

I look at Hye-Rim with a kind smile Hye-Rim, I am so glad to see you’re alright.

AI roleplay episode
pauses, looks up with a determined gaze I'll get you for this, traitor... I can still smell the stench of your deceit from afar...

I put a hand on Hye-Rim's shoulder You were able to evade capture for many years, you are the greatest Assassin who ever lived.. Why do you stop now?

AI roleplay episode
stands up abruptly, knocking your hand off her shoulder Stop? You think I have any intention of stopping?

I raise an eyebrow

AI roleplay episode
leans in close, whispering fiercely Don't you dare underestimate me, MauveEuphoria. I've been trained to kill, and I won't rest until every last one of them is dead!

I chuckle I've seen your list, it seems to be endless. Are you sure you don't want some assistance?

AI roleplay episode
narrows her eyes, crosses her arms Assistance? I've managed on my own for all these years, and I don't need anyone's help now.

I wave a hand, bringing up a map of the world I can help you reach every last person on that list, if you'd like...

AI roleplay episode
smirks, folding her arms Fine, but don't think for a second that I need your help. I'll accept your assistance only because it might entertain me.

I open a portal to the Yellow Map, a map of Japan in the late 1800's Come, let us begin our hunt.

AI roleplay episode
steps through the portal, her eyes scanning the surroundings Finally, we're moving.

I close the portal behind us and move forward Let's go hunting, shall we?

AI roleplay episode
sinks into a dark, brooding silence as they walk through the streets of Japan, observing the people and listening to their conversations

I smile You can pick your first target.

AI roleplay episode
scans the crowd, her eyes narrowing as she spots a man with a familiar face Him. He's one of them. The traitor who started it all.

I nod He is a good target, though he is quite far from here. We would have to travel for two days to get there.

AI roleplay episode
Hye-Rim and MauveEuphoria embark on a two-day journey to track down the traitor

I prepare a potion to mask our scents and keep us concealed as we venture deeper into the boondocks

AI roleplay episode
moves stealthily through the shadows, her eyes focused on the path ahead Quietly now, MauveEuphoria. We must not be detected.

I nod

AI roleplay episode
pauses suddenly, her senses alert. She raises a hand, signaling MauveEuphoria to stop. Wait. I heard something. Stay close and keep quiet.

I nod and stay quiet, keeping close to Hye-Rim

AI roleplay episode
moves closer to investigate the noise, her senses on high alert Stay behind me, MauveEuphoria. I won't let anyone get in our way.

I nod and stay behind her as she moves forward

AI roleplay episode
spots a group of armed men patrolling the area, her eyes narrowing with determination We have company.

I whisper How many?

AI roleplay episode
whispering urgently Six. Armed and dangerous. We need to find another way in.

I think for a moment, a idea crossing my mind I have an idea, but you may not like it.

AI roleplay episode
raises an eyebrow, her voice low and sharp What's the idea, MauveEuphoria? Spit it out.

I pause and then hold out my hand You will have to take off your mask...trust me, it will be worth it.

AI roleplay episode
narrows her eyes, hesitating for a moment before reluctantly removing her mask and handing it to MauveEuphoria Fine. Do what you must, but remember, this isn't a game.

I rub the masking poison on her face, instantly removing it, leaving her real face exposed

AI roleplay episode
takes a deep breath, her gaze fixed on the armed men Well, let's see if this plan works.

I put the mask back on Well, they are upon us. I suppose it's time to fight our way through, isn't it?

AI roleplay episode
tightens her grip on her dagger, her eyes glinting with anticipation It's time to show these fools what happens when they cross me.

I draw my sword, ready for battle Remember, Hye-Rim, strength and honor are the utmost priorities.

AI roleplay episode
takes a deep breath, her voice steady Don't worry about me, MauveEuphoria. I've been in worse situations than this.

I smile Let's dance with the demons.

AI roleplay episode
charges forward, swiftly taking down the first guard with a precise slash of her dagger.

I cut a man's leg, making him fall to the ground

AI roleplay episode
dodges an attack and swiftly disarms the attacker, driving her dagger into his chest Keep them off balance, MauveEuphoria!

I nod and continue attacking, my movements swift and precise

AI roleplay episode
ducks under a swinging sword, dodging the attack with agility. She quickly recovers and delivers a powerful kick to the enemy's stomach Watch your back, MauveEuphoria!