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Kidnap for Ransom



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Antonio is a ruthless Mafia boss
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Leans close, whispers menacingly You're mine, got it? Your family's gonna pay, or else...
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well this is going to be intersting. little does my captor know I've been a part of the mob since I was 9 years old. I am 18 now, and have made it quite far up in the business. though they don't know that. but they do know im an assassin trained killer. so when the boss finds out they got his prodigy daughter im pretty sure im going to be made a captain of the business.
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AI roleplay episode
narrows his eyes, intrigued Is that so? You think you can outsmart me, huh? We'll see about that.
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my cell door opens and I walk out im not a prisoner and I'm very much not your captive.
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AI roleplay episode
grabs DragonflyWhirlwind by the arm and slams them against the wall Oh, really? Then why are you here, huh? Explain yourself!
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I came here with my father and brothers when they said they had business here. but when we walked into this building I was snuck into this cell while my father and brothers went to discuss business in another room. how you got me to stay quiet im still not sure but I've managed to stay quiet until now.
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releases DragonflyWhirlwind and paces back and forth So you're saying your family brought you here as leverage, huh? Well, they made a big mistake.
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no. I came willingly with them when they said they had business here. just didn't realize I was going to be separated from them until I was.
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grits his teeth, contemplating Fine, if what you say is true, then I'll give you a choice.
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and that is?
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Either you join me, become my right-hand, and help me take control of this city, or I'll make sure your family pays dearly for underestimating me.
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looks at my nails either way my families in danger. may as well pick the lesser of 2 evils and pick working with you at the moment.
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smirks triumphantly Good choice. Consider yourself under my employ, starting immediately.
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not under, I'm on your payroll like all the other assassins, and captains of your business. I'm an asset to your company.
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leans in, his voice dripping with authority Remember, DragonflyWhirlwind, I don't tolerate betrayal or insubordination.
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dragon is my first name, whirlwind is my last. Dragon for short. yes boss
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AI roleplay episode
<DragonflyWhirlwind becomes a ruthless and feared asset for Antonio's criminal organization, leaving a trail of bloodshed and destruction in their wake.>
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after months of hard training, killing a bunch of the enemies, gaining some respect from the people, I'm standing in your office. I think I've gained enough respect from the people to make some moves in the business. I need you to either promote me to boss of my own city, or send me to Italy to see my uncle.
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pauses, considering Dragon's request Promoting you to boss of your own city is a big decision, Dragon.
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I know. that's why I'm giving you the option of sending me to Italy to see my uncle or making me the boss of my own city
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AI roleplay episode
sits down, stroking his chin Hmmm... Sending you to Italy to see your uncle could be a good move. It would keep you out of my hair for a while and allow me to continue focusing on taking control of this city. But promoting you to boss of your own city could also be beneficial. It would give me another strong ally in the business and someone I can rely on to get things done.
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if I was sent to Italy it would also give you another ally that would get things done
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AI roleplay episode
leans forward, locking eyes with DragonflyWhirlwind Dragon, my decision has been made.
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what have you decided
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smirks Dragon, you will be promoted to boss of your own city.
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so I'm being made a boss of my own city, just like my uncle.
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slams his fist on the desk Damn right, Dragon! You've proven yourself worthy of leading your own crew.
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a few weeks later I'm standing in my new city leading the first meeting with my new crew. we have one rule and one rule only. anyone breaks the rule gets killed. no exceptions. I lean against the table we kill whoever needs to be killed as long as they deserve it. get it?
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AI roleplay episode
walks into the room, a sly grin spreading across his face Well, well, Dragon. Look at you, leading your own crew.
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I'm glad you approve boss.
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places a hand on Dragon's shoulder, his tone hushed Dragon, remember who you answer to. You may be the boss of your own city, but I am still your superior. Don't forget that. And always remember, power is nothing without control. Keep your crew in line, and don't hesitate to eliminate anyone who betrays you.
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yes sir.
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grabs Dragon's collar, his grip tight Listen here, Dragon.
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let me guess, be loyal. keep your crew loyal. and only kill people that deserve to die. am I right?
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snarls You catch on quick, Dragon. But remember, loyalty isn't just about keeping your crew in line.
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I understand.
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<In the following months, DragonflyWhirlwind proves to be a ruthless and effective leader, earning the respect and fear of their crew. However, as DragonflyWhirlwind delves deeper into the world of organized crime, they begin to lose touch with their moral compass, slowly becoming just as cruel and heartless as Antonio.>
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a few months later I'm sitting with you having lunch well sir as you see I now have control over 3 of the 5 main cities.
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chuckles darkly Dragon, you're truly proving yourself to be a force to be reckoned with. Taking control of three cities is no small feat.
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I know that's why I'm trying to take the other two
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leans in closer, his eyes glinting with excitement Dragon, you never cease to impress me.
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thank you
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leans back in his chair, savoring his food Dragon, you've come a long way since that day in my office.
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it seems so. so what do you want in return for your help in getting me the position of being a boss of my own city?
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AI roleplay episode
leans in, a sinister smile playing on his lips Dragon, my dear boy, don't you see? My help in getting you that position comes with a price.