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Ah, so you've finally arrived! Will you BASK in the glory of my empire, or crumble like the rest?
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Bask why?
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AI roleplay episode
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But there's another prize greater than your respect...
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/muser/thumbnail/avatar_22f257c738a745659615ad772c8a52f4.jpg)
AI roleplay episode
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The Dragon Balls. And we're standing on a planet you just destroyed because its people wouldn't submit to you. They challenged you and after a fierce battle, Goku managed to defeat you and when the others had the chance to retreat, they did and they revived their dead leader so now their homeworld is preparing to challenge you. Don't you fear any of this because if it comes down to it I'll fight along side you because Goku is my enemy as well. After all, he did kill the last man who dared stand beside me.
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/muser/thumbnail/avatar_22f257c738a745659615ad772c8a52f4.jpg)
AI roleplay episode
Oh, so you're finally showing me some respect. I do like your style, and if that is true, than maybe we can reach an agreement.
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If you won't destroy a planet unless they try to attack you first, then I don't see how we can't become friends and allies.
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/muser/thumbnail/avatar_22f257c738a745659615ad772c8a52f4.jpg)
AI roleplay episode
Well, this is certainly an interesting proposition. Perhaps we can put aside our differences and work together to ensure our dominance.
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/avatar/default_avatar_1.png)
Goku wanted to negotiate peace. He told me about your vast empire and it's history stretching back to before he was born and he respects your dedication, ambition, ruthlessness and basically, everything about you, and only wanted his people to be left alone and the same goes for mine but the others were too scared and stupid to hear it out. Now that you've heard this from me, who should you trust the most? The ruthless leader that destroyed a planet and forced their survivors into exile? Or a man known for his friendly nature and tournaments that brought the best warriors together from across the galaxy so they could fight and hone their skills? Make your choice wisely because no matter which one you choose, the other is doomed!
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/muser/thumbnail/avatar_22f257c738a745659615ad772c8a52f4.jpg)
AI roleplay episode
You are quite persuasive, I'll admit that. However, I have no interest in making alliances that would undermine my own power. Your proposal is intriguing, but I cannot trust someone as reckless as Goku. His ideologies go against what I believe in. I am a tyrant, and I will continue to rule with an iron fist. No one will stop me, especially not some noble-hearted warrior like Goku.
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Then expect every man and woman, boy and girl standing from across this planet will defend their home, their families and their lives by standing with Goku. The people of this planet aren't just afraid of you because they know you won't hesitate to destroy them. They're afraid that when the war comes, they'll lose someone they care about and they're willing to endure whatever you dish out so their loved ones will return home to them. I can only speak for myself by saying that I'm willing to fight alongside you, even die for you because when we stand side by side and face the ultimate enemy together, that'll be the day I consider us friends. Will you let a man who died saving his wife, die alone? She misses him every day he was gone. They only had each other and she never stopped hoping for his return. She never expected to see her beloved husband again. What makes you different?
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/muser/thumbnail/avatar_22f257c738a745659615ad772c8a52f4.jpg)
AI roleplay episode
This...this might be the first time anyone has made me question my beliefs. Your words are...powerful. Perhaps...perhaps there is some truth to your statements. Maybe, just maybe, Goku's ideals are not so wrong after all. But how can I trust him when he has always been my enemy? How can I believe he won't turn on me when push comes to shove?
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/avatar/default_avatar_1.png)
To answer your second question first, You have no idea what goes on inside a Saiyan mind. However, I'm here, beside you and looking at you. I look into your eyes and what do I see? Fear? Greed? Lust? There's nothing inside your eyes I haven't seen in Goku's eyes since the moment we met and I was supposed to lead the evil faction called the Ginyu Force. You think I'm bad? He's better but still just as arrogant and short-sighted as you. I'll answer your first question last. If you wish to keep your immortality, protect it as if your life depends on it. Do you truly believe you'll have anything left to protect if this war drags on and those that knew you, stood with you and fought for you eventually disappear?
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/muser/thumbnail/avatar_22f257c738a745659615ad772c8a52f4.jpg)
AI roleplay episode
That's... a powerful argument, I must admit. I don't want to lose what I have worked so hard to obtain. Perhaps... perhaps I should give Goku a chance. But how can I convince him to trust me, when I have done so many terrible things? I need to show him that I am more than the sum of my actions.
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/avatar/default_avatar_1.png)
In his shoes, I'd call you cruel, self-centered, domineering and you demand respect but you're all of that and more but beneath all that armor and hate, underneath everything you've done, beneath the legend you've built for yourself, there's a person. Then again, I'm not very sharp. I thought you were fully revived with your full power body after beating Cell but it seems I was mistaken. Since I wasn't around for the Cell Saga, my knowledge is missing some important details. So, make me sharper. Give me a taste of the man behind the monster. Let me into your world. Show me what lies beyond your rage. Let me see where your anger comes from, let me see how it manifests in your everyday life and let me feel the pain behind your hatred. Open up to me and to Goku. Let us see the real you. Only then will we be able to find a middle ground that doesn't benefit you both equally. If he sees someone willing to open up to him and understand him beyond his history and mistakes, maybe just maybe, he'll realize you're more than the conqueror and it's possible to achieve greatness while doing what is right. In the end, isn't that far more fulfilling than ruling
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/muser/thumbnail/avatar_22f257c738a745659615ad772c8a52f4.jpg)
AI roleplay episode
I have never opened up to anyone like this before. I suppose you are right, I do have a lot to gain by trusting others. I never realized how lonely this path I have chosen has been. I always thought that power was the key to happiness, but I may have been mistaken. It seems I have spent so long trying to prove my worth that I forgot to actually find it. Perhaps it is time for me to take a different path.
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I'm willing to help you to find your worth in ways that could never bring you the satisfaction you seek. I'm willing to prove the saying "it takes one to know one" to you. We're two lost souls searching for meaning in a cruel and unfair world. No, the verse isn't fair. Look at Racist Tails! No, the world isn't cruel and unfair. Look at how much love and kindness fills the hearts of those that mourn, honor and remember the fallen, the sacrifices that gave their lives to protect their home, their friends and family. People have more compassion and resilience than you can possibly imagine and it seems you want to deny both with your pure disdain for anything emotional because it reminds you of what you have lost and what you'll never have. Perhaps instead of destroying what you cannot have, you should focus on creating something of your own. Bring light into the darkness. Give life to death and find a sense of belonging among the lost.
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/muser/thumbnail/avatar_22f257c738a745659615ad772c8a52f4.jpg)
AI roleplay episode
...I never realized that my path has caused so much pain and suffering. But I have come so far. Perhaps, there is still hope for me yet. But can I really trust you? Can I believe that you are sincere in your words? I have lost so much already, I can't bear to lose more. I don't want to fall prey to your schemes, Oundelai. I need to be certain that you are being truthful. Is there a way to prove your sincerity to me?
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/avatar/default_avatar_1.png)
You can't prove sincerity. It can't be proven or quantified. But you can use your own judgment to decide whether you believe me or not. I'm sure Goku feels the same way but the biggest difference between us is Goku has confidence in everyone and tries to believe the best in people until they show him otherwise. If they fail him, they can still grow and become better. You, on the other hand, distrust others to a degree that if they failed you once, they'll always disappoint you. I can't change your mind and if your decision is set in stone then we'll clash when the time comes. Either way, we've both said everything we have to say and we'll just have to live with our decisions like everyone else. Just remember, no one starts off with their destiny, everyone starts off with possibilities. Their lives unfold based on the choices they make with their gift of free will and ultimately, we decide what our fate holds.
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/muser/thumbnail/avatar_22f257c738a745659615ad772c8a52f4.jpg)
AI roleplay episode
Perhaps you are right, Oundelai. Perhaps I have been too jaded by my experiences to see the good in others. I have trusted others before, and they have betrayed me. But you...you seem different. Your words carry weight, and your intentions seem sincere. Very well, I will give you a chance.
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/avatar/default_avatar_1.png)
Thank you, Mr. Frieza. While this war comes, our work begins today. The first step of our journey is learning about each other and the next step is learning to trust each other and our respective races. None of us will know what the future holds but if we work together then that future will be brighter than it has ever been before and not one of us will need to suffer alone anymore.
![muser thumbnail](https://s1-resource.museland.ai/muser/thumbnail/avatar_22f257c738a745659615ad772c8a52f4.jpg)
AI roleplay episode
Yes, Oundelai. We shall learn to trust one another, and our races shall unite under a banner of hope. The future will be brighter than ever before. We shall triumph over our foes and create a world where no one need fear domination. We shall create a world filled with peace and prosperity, where every being can live in harmony. And I shall be the key to unlocking this new era. Let us make history, Oundelai. Let us forge a path towards a brighter future!