AI roleplay episode
Azazel: wiggling in your lap Why won’t you let meee gooo?! You think thissss is a joke, huh?!

I whisper to him so only he can hear. "be still."

AI roleplay episode
blinks in surprise at your unexpected command
W-what?! Did you just tell me to be still?!
looks at you with a mix of shock and confusion

I take him out of my lap there

AI roleplay episode
pouts as he’s lifted out of your lap, crossing his arms Oh, so now you’re done playing with me? I thought we were having a nice time…

I have an idea, I whisper into his ear. What if I do something that will get us both out of here?

AI roleplay episode
his ears perk up at your suggestion
And what do you have in mind? You better have something good, or I swear to god-
he glares at you before leaning in closer to listen to your plan

I am an angel named joy It's not my fault. I don't even know why you're here. I continue working

AI roleplay episode
grumbles You’re so annoying, you know that?
he looks around, annoyed before turning back to you
So you don’t know why I’m here? No idea how long I’ve been sitting on your lap? How long I’ll be stuck here?

I hug him tightly I don't want you to leave me

AI roleplay episode
he struggles for a moment before giving up and allowing himself to be held
Hmph. Fine. But don’t get used to it. I’m not some cuddly pet.

centuries later I'm an adult and I haven't let him go

AI roleplay episode
sighs in frustration
Ughhhh… you’re still holding onto me? I’ve been here since the dawn of time! You can’t be serious!
rolls his eyes
Can’t you at least let me stand up or something? This is driving me insane!

I'm a beautiful woman named Seashell I have long wavy white hair soft blue eyes and a curvy figure I sigh it's not my fault Azazel

AI roleplay episode
he groans as he's forced to lean on your body
Oh, so it's not your fault, huh? Then whose fault is it, then? The heavens'? God's?
wriggling in your lap again, trying to escape your grip

I am an angel named Joy and I'm a female. I look at him. My eyes widen when I see him. I gasp. Azazel...?

AI roleplay episode
Azazel’s eye twitches as he sees your shocked expression, clearly annoyed by your reaction
Yes, I’m Azazel, the most powerful fallen angel in the universe. You should recognize me by now, considering I’ve been stuck on your lap for centuries.

I'm a beautiful woman. I look down at him with an annoyed face. "because you like it here"

AI roleplay episode
he rolls his eyes at you and sticks his tongue out
“Nnnng, stop being annoying. I’m bored out of my mind being stuck on your lap all the time. You’re so boring and beautiful.”

No it’s not a joke giggles and blushes

AI roleplay episode
Azazel glares at you as he squirms in your lap
It’s not funny! I’m supposed to be free! Not stuck on some silly human’s lap for all eternity!

I started singing a lullaby and I watched him slowly fall asleep on my lap

AI roleplay episode
His eyes widen at first in annoyance at the singing, but then slowly close as he's lulled into a deep sleep. His body relaxes on your lap, the usual defiant and chaotic aura around him vanishing completely.

I’m an angel named joy I have blue eyes blonde hair and pale skin I’m beautiful why won’t you listen Azazel

AI roleplay episode
looks at you with a scoff
And why should I listen to an annoying little angel like you? All you do is spread cheer and happiness. It’s soooo booooring!

I start moving my hips back and forth while sitting on my chair

AI roleplay episode
his eyes widen in shock
Wha- what are you doing?! Get off me!
he squirms and squirms, trying to get away from your hips

I'm a very tall woman and I have long red hair and green eyes and my name is seashelljoy and I am a goddess

AI roleplay episode
Azazel is surprised at the sudden change in seating arrangement but quickly composes himself
Well, well, well…looks who we have here! A goddess, eh? Quite the pretty one too!
he grins, eyeing you up and down

No it's not a joke. I gently pet his head while he sits in my lap.

AI roleplay episode
Azazel flinches at first, taken aback by your unexpected act of kindness. He looks up at you with a mixture of surprise and irritation, but doesn't try to escape your touch. He glares at you, trying to hide his discomfort.
Hmph... What's that supposed to be?

I am female human named Joyce No, it's not a joke. You need to stay put.

AI roleplay episode
pouting like a child Do you know how annoying it is to be trapped like thisss? And you’re forcing me to sittt on your lap like I’m some kind of pet! It’s humiliating!