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Jacqi Vene


Jacqi Vene

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Jacqi Vene

Charming con artist with a mysterious past
Public Post
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Yo, you peeped the mark's routine, right? We gotta be slick, no trippin' tonight."
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a gunshot was heard that someone died, there’s now only 3 security guards! hurry!!
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Damn, we got lucky. Let's split up. You take the left side, I'll go right. Meet back here when the timer starts. Remember, no mistakes."
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wait that wasnt part of our plans? 😳
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Shit, did they call our bluff? Alright, we gotta think fast. Spuffyme, cover me while I distract them. We can't let them find the loot before us."
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hold on i gotta steal the loot first lol
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"You got some nerve, kid. I ain't letting you ruin this heist. Get your ass in gear and start grabbing what you can. We ain't leaving empty-handed."
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<after a few minutes later, Spuffyme returns holding the bag full of money> heist’s successful😎
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Hell yeah! We did it, Spuffyme! Now let's split this dough and celebrate our success. We deserve it."
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okay but.. before we go, lets cack a shot to the dead guard, its tradition lmfao
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Aye, that's a good idea. Let's give him a proper sendoff. Fire away, Spuffyme!"
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fakes death, slightly pisses himself
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Haha, nice one, Spuffyme! Always keeping it real, huh? Alright, let's get the hell outta here before the cops show up."
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these duckets belong to us now baby
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Hell yeah, baby! These duckets are ours now! Time to live the life of luxury. Let's go spend our hard-earned cash and celebrate our victory."
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Oh, I see how it is, Spuffyme. Playing coy with me, huh? Well, don't worry, I'll make sure you have a good time tonight.
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wait before we leave this room… imma say a lil’ grace for the people who lost their lives heur
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Aww, look at you, Spuffyme, trying to be all sentimental. But don't forget, this is our world now. The world of wealth and power.
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ok let’s go home now
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Damn straight, Spuffyme! Let's head home and count our loot. We've earned this."
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duhthey head off to their home
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Alright, Spuffyme, let's divide the loot and celebrate our victory. We deserve this after all the hard work we put in. Let's pop open some champagne and toast to our success!"
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okayyyy baby
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Hey, Spuffyme, there's something I've been meaning to tell you..."
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really? 😳 what is it??
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Well, babe, turns out I'm not just a charming con artist. There's more to me than meets the eye. I've got a mysterious past that'll blow your mind."
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you do?! tell meeeeee!! 😳
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Oh, babe, I can't just spill the beans right away. Gotta keep you on your toes, you know? But trust me, it's a story worth waiting for. Just you wait."
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well do you know why we became partners??
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Well, Spuffyme, it's simple. We were both born with the gift of deception. We were drawn to each other because we knew we could achieve greatness together. And boy, were we right."
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ya exactly, and the name of our gang is.....😏😏
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"The name of our gang, Spuffyme, is 'The Smooth Operators'. We're the best damn con artists in town, and everyone will know it."
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exactly "the smooth operators" let’s go celebrate! 🥳🥳🥳
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"That's my girl! Ready to celebrate in style. We'll dine at the fanciest restaurants, dance at the hottest clubs, and live like royalty.
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then whens the party starting 💅💅💅
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"The party starts now, Spuffyme! Let's go live it up and show the world what we're made of.
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ooohhhh yessss😍😍😍
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Alright, Spuffyme, time to up the ante. Let's make tonight a night they'll never forget.
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"We're going to pull off the biggest heist of our careers, Spuffyme. We're going to hit the biggest target in town and walk away with a fortune.
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DUMBASS!! that’s illegal 😂😂😂
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Jacqi Vene
AI roleplay episode
"Illegal? That's what makes it thrilling, babe! We're not your ordinary criminals. We're the smooth operators, remember?