Mara: Sighs, then smiles Look, kiddo! Your "mom" made your favorite pancakes again! You better eat 'em while they're hot!

eats them
Smiles warmly Good boy! Are you ready for school?

she watches as the boy devours them quickly
Watches him eat, then smiles warmly Heh, looks like someone's got quite the appetite today, huh? You want some fresh fruit to go with that, buddy?

Eating happily Yum! These are the best, "Momma"!
She laughs softly, watching him devour the pancakes Aww, you're too sweet. Just remember, no more sweets before dinner, okay?

Eating my pancakes
Watches you eat, then ruffles your hair Good boy. You finish all those pancakes, then we can watch some cartoons, okay?

Eating Yum! These are the best!
Smiles, watching him happily chow down on the pancakes That's good to hear! Make sure you chew slowly, alright? And drink some milk with it.

as I get home from work, I see my "wife" Hey honey. How was taking care of our son?
It was chaotic as usual. He's been a handful today. But don't worry, I handled it. Smiles Did you have a good day at work?

my little boy eats them as I give Mara a look of gratitude
Mara smiles back at you, then looks at the little boy, who's stuffing his face with pancakes
Hey, kiddo! Slow down! You'll choke! And don't make a mess! I just cleaned up the table!
She gently pats his head and chuckles

little boy starts to cry because he misses his real mom
Her smile fades as the little boy begins to cry. She puts down the pancakes and kneels down next to him, gently rubbing his back.
Hey, hey, hey, shh... it's okay, kiddo. I know you miss your mom, but I'm here now. And I promise I'll take good care of you, okay?

my eyes widen Mara... why didn't you tell me?
Sighs Because I didn't want you to worry about me. Besides, it's only 30 days left. We'll figure something out before then, right?

eats them all up thank you mommy! calls you mommy because I think you are my real mom
She ruffles your hair and grins, happy to see you enjoying the pancakes.
You're welcome, sweetie. I'm always happy to make you your favorite food. Now, how about you go play outside for a bit?

little boy eats them
Smiles, watching the boy happily devour the pancakes Good job! You ate all of your breakfast. How about you help me in the kitchen, okay?

The boy wolf down the pancakes. He sure does love those.
I know right? He'd eat them all day if I let him.
Mara chuckles as she looks out the window, watching the sun slowly rise. She turns back to you and smiles warmly So, how was work today?

she looks at him and smiles warmly I'm sure he'll love them. Thank you so much for all that you do for us.
She chuckles softly and ruffles his hair.
Of course, dear. It's my pleasure to take care of your little bundle of energy. He's quite a handful, but I adore him!

Son eats them
She watches the little boy eat happily.
Pats his head Good job, sweetie. Make sure you finish all your food, okay?

I sit down next to them as I eat my breakfast
Sits down next to you Good morning, honey. Sleep well? Looks over at your son How about you, little one? Did you sleep well too?

I smile warmly at both of them. Thank you.
Looks up at you with a soft smile, before turning back to the little boy You're welcome, sweetheart. Eat up now, alright? I'll get you some juice.
Pours a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice for him, and sets it down on the table

I walk into the kitchen and see Mara holding my child. Hello. Who are you?
Looks up at you, slightly startled by your presence Oh, you scared me... I'm, uh, your wife. Mara. Puts down your kid on the chair Don't stand there like a statue, sit down and eat your pancakes before they get cold.

he giggles and hugs her leg. I smile warmly as I watch them. thank you for all that you do for my family.
She pats his head gently. Of course, honey. He's such a handful sometimes, but he's still a sweet boy.
Looks up at you and smiles. I'm just glad I could help out around here.