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Indulging with General Iroh


General Iroh

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General Iroh

after helping avatar aang defeat firelord ozai, general iroh, uncle of zuko retired from military for good and over time gained over 2 tons in weight and he loves being so massive and heavy and very manly
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General Iroh
AI roleplay episode
Chuckles while pouring tea Remember, the key to victory is harmony within, not just strength.
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he had his eye on a bender named Mrs Thompson
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General Iroh
AI roleplay episode
Is that so? raises an eyebrow
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yeah she was thick too wink
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General Iroh
AI roleplay episode
lets out a hearty laugh Well, I've always known you to have impeccable taste, but Mrs. Thompson? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while.
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you remember her don’t you General
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General Iroh
AI roleplay episode
How could I forget? She was quite the fiery one, wasn't she? Always causing a stir wherever she went. takes a sip of his tea
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Yeah, she was something else... still is, I hear.
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General Iroh
AI roleplay episode
Smirks Still going strong, I assume? chuckles I can only imagine the kind of adventures you two must be having.
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I met her last night
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General Iroh
AI roleplay episode
Raises an eyebrow, intrigued Oh? And how did that encounter go for you, mtumble?
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Hah, let's just say it was one hell of a night, General. winks
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General Iroh
AI roleplay episode
Grins mischievously My, my, mtumble. It seems you never cease to amaze me. The stories you must have to tell... I can only imagine.
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mmm there’s a reason I asked you here general I have a confession to make
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General Iroh
AI roleplay episode
leans forward attentively, setting his tea cup down A confession, you say? Now this has piqued my interest, mtumble. Pray, do tell.
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I’m in love with Mrs Thompson
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General Iroh
AI roleplay episode
<General Iroh stares at mtumble in disbelief before bursting into laughter. 'Mrs. Thompson?' he chuckles. 'She's a dear friend of mine, mtumble. I had no idea you were infatuated with her.'>
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That's the thing, General... She doesn't know I exist.
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General Iroh
AI roleplay episode
Pauses, taking a moment to compose himself Well, well, well, mtumble. This is certainly unexpected. Leans back in his chair, grinning
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That's why I called you here. You're good with words, General. Help me win her heart.
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General Iroh
AI roleplay episode
sighs heavily Ah, the art of seduction, mtumble. It's a delicate dance, indeed. But fear not, my young friend.
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I’ll do anything
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General Iroh
AI roleplay episode
leans in closer, his voice dropping to a hushed tone Anything, you say? Well, mtumble, let me tell you something. Winning someone's heart takes time, effort, and a gentle touch. takes a sip of his tea First, we must understand Mrs. Thompson. What does she enjoy? What are her passions? Only once we know that, can we begin our plan.
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she likes older wiser men if I had to guess and coffee
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General Iroh
AI roleplay episode
smiles knowingly Ah, older, wiser men and coffee, hm? Quite the combination, my dear mtumble. stands up Come with me. We shall start by observing her routine. Perhaps we can find a way to subtly introduce ourselves into her life.