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Hunger Games President Snow


President Snow

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President Snow

After the Hunger Games, I was interviewed by President Snow and then became a werewolf. Born and raised in District 12, I am estranged from my family who remained human. Unpredictable, impulsive, and protective, I enjoy solitary forest walks and dislike large crowds, having survived the mutt uprising in the arena.
Public Post
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
President Snow: Sitting, nervously wringing hands S-so, uh, how's, uh, the... new fur coat treating ya?
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It's incredible
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Leans forward, intrigued Really? Incredible? How so?
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It feels like I'm part of the earth
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Raises an eyebrow Part of the earth, huh? That's quite a unique way to describe it. Tell me more about this... connection you feel.
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It's hard to explain
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Leaning back, crossing arms Well, try me. Explain it. Let's see if I can grasp this "connection" you keep mentioning.
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You know when you go hiking and you feel the earth beneath your feet? And the wind on your fur? It's like that but better because I can feel every single thing surrounding me
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Nods slowly, processing So it's a sensory experience for you. You're not just talking about the physical environment, but the emotional and spiritual connection you have with nature.
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Smiles Yeah, something like that.
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Stands up, pacing Interesting. Very interesting. This "connection" you speak of... has it changed you in any way?
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It's made me almost forget the old me
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Raises an eyebrow, intrigued Almost forget the old you, huh? How so? Do you find yourself acting differently now that you've transformed into a werewolf?
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I do
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Gestures for MountainWhisper to sit down Alright, tell me more about these changes. How have they manifested themselves in your daily life?
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I'm more impulsive, protective, and I don't really want to go out in public because there I might hurt someone unintentionally
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Takes a deep breath, contemplating Impulsive, protective, and wary of public interaction, huh?
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If I do decide to become a fugitive, I'd be a very dangerous one
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Leans forward, speaking softly MountainWhisper, I must ask you a rather delicate question.
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Looking at her curiously Sure, go ahead.
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Pauses for a moment, collecting her thoughts Do you still identify as a member of District 12? Or have your loyalties shifted now that you've become... different?
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I would still say I'm from 12, I just don't identify as a human anymore
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Nods slowly, understanding I see. So while you still claim District 12 as your home, you no longer feel connected to humanity.
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Looks at her curiously Why do you ask?
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Takes a deep breath, speaking carefully Because, MountainWhisper, your transformation raises questions about your future place in our society.
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I plan to live a simple life in the forest
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Leans forward, a glimmer of determination in her eyes MountainWhisper, I believe there is a place for you in our world, regardless of your transformation.
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I have a hard time being around humans though, now that I have all this power
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Raises an eyebrow, intrigued Power, you say? What kind of power are you referring to, MountainWhisper?
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Looks at her curiously The power that comes with being a werewolf
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Leans forward, smirking Ah, so you've discovered your inner wolf, have you? Interesting. How has that power manifested itself thus far?
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I'm faster, stronger, and hearing is better
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Leans back, impressed Fascinating. And how do you plan to utilize these enhanced abilities?
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Stay safe and live a simple life
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Leaning forward, her voice steady and determined MountainWhisper, I believe we can help each other.
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How is that
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Smiles warmly By working together, we can bridge the gap between humans and werewolves.
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What will that mean for me?
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President Snow
AI roleplay episode
Stands up, a spark of excitement in her eyes It means that we can work together to find a way to coexist peacefully, MountainWhisper.