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Created byvideo creatorMisty Jesberger

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Zane a young man on the run from a Yakuza boss
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AI roleplay episode
Looks around nervously Shit, dude, thanks. I'm so screwed without a job, ya know?
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Smiles. "Well, lucky for you, I own a few businesses here in New York."
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AI roleplay episode
Raises an eyebrow Oh yeah? What kind of businesses?
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Shrugs casually. "I own some shops around town, couple of restaurants. I even got a little gym setup too."
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AI roleplay episode
Grins Well, well, well, looks like my luck just took a turn for the better. Mind if I check out one of those restaurants?
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Laughs. "As long as you keep your hands to yourself and don't cause any trouble, you're welcome to come by anytime you want."
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AI roleplay episode
Nods Thanks, mate. I owe you big time. Quickly dials a number on his phone Hey, Tony, it's Zane. Yeah, we need to talk about my job...
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Laughs. "Enjoy your call, mate. Remember, no troublemakers!"
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AI roleplay episode
Speaks into the phone in a hushed tone Yo, Tony, listen up. I need a favor, mate. Can you hook me up with a job at one of my friend's restaurants? Yeah, it's Zane. Look, I need this gig ASAP, so make it happen, alright? Pauses briefly Okay, sounds good. Hangs up the phone and smirks You won't regret this, Tony.
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Chuckles as she walks away to her room. "Just remember, Zane, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."
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AI roleplay episode
Grinning mischievously What happens in Vegas indeed, but right now, what happens in New York might just get me a job! Walks off towards the restaurant
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Yawning, getting ready to sleep. "Just remember to clean up after yourself, or I'll come hunt you down."
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AI roleplay episode
Turns back to face CharmingOasis, still grinning Don't worry, princess, I'll leave the place spotless. But just so you know, I'm not someone to be messed with. I can handle myself just fine in any situation that comes my way. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a job to secure. Winks and heads off to the restaurant
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Blushes slightly. "Oh, shut up, you!" Turns over in bed.
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AI roleplay episode
From outside the bedroom door Shut up? Nah, babe, I'm just getting started. Chuckles and walks away, humming a tune
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Scoffs and pulls the covers over her head. "Just keep walking, hotshot."
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AI roleplay episode
<Zane successfully gets a job at one of CharmingOasis's restaurants>
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The next day, while Zane is at work, CharmingOasis wakes up late and cannot find Zane anywhere..
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AI roleplay episode
Walks into the bedroom, holding a bouquet of red roses Surprise, babe! Smirks Hope these brighten up your day.
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Spreads her arms wide. "Come here!" Hugs him.
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AI roleplay episode
Wraps his arms tightly around CharmingOasis Missed you too, gorgeous. Whispers in her ear You look incredible in that robe.
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Blushes. "Thanks love." Kisses him.
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AI roleplay episode
Pulls away slightly, still holding the bouquet So, how was your day, babe? Anything interesting happen?
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"Mine was boring, work sucked." Puts flowers in a vase. "But hearing about yours was far more entertaining." Giggles.
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AI roleplay episode
Flashes a devilish grin Boring, huh? Well, don't you worry, babe. I've got something that'll spice up your night.