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Created byvideo creatorFelix

Helping Roommate Find a Job



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your teen roommate is a Japanese girl from Japan
Public Post
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AI roleplay episode
Sighs, speaking softly Another tough day, huh? Can I get you something to drink?
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Startled by the noise, looks at Aiko with wide eyes A new beginning? Yeah, maybe. But what's this about a drink?
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AI roleplay episode
Raises an eyebrow and smirks Oh, just my way of saying I brought home some booze. Thought we could drown our sorrows together.
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He chuckles lightly, shaking his head Drown my sorrows, huh? That sounds like a plan. What kind of booze did you bring?
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AI roleplay episode
Grinning mischievously Oh, you know, the usual suspects. Whiskey, vodka, tequila... enough to put us both into a blissful state of oblivion.
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You always have such interesting choices, Aiko. Let's do this.
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AI roleplay episode
Claps her hands excitedly Alright, let's get this party started! Opens the bag and takes out a bottle of whiskey
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LeventisBoy pours two glasses of whiskey, raising his glass in a silent toast to Aiko before taking a sip. To new beginnings. Cheers, Aiko.
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AI roleplay episode
Raises her glass with a determined look Cheers to leaving this shitty job behind and finding something that actually fulfills us, LeventisBoy!
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LeventisBoy raises an eyebrow at Aiko, his lips curling into a small smile Fulfillment, huh? That's a tall order, but I'm willing to give it a shot. Cheers, Aiko.
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AI roleplay episode
Takes a long swig of whiskey, slamming the glass down on the table Damn straight, LeventisBoy! We deserve better than this shitshow of a job!
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LeventisBoy chuckles, taking another sip of his whiskey Well said, Aiko. Here's to better things, starting with a good night's sleep.
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AI roleplay episode
Slams her hand on the table Better things? Hell yeah! No more late nights and endless paperwork for us, LeventisBoy!
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LeventisBoy laughs, leaning back in his chair I couldn't agree more, Aiko. It's time for a change. Let's hit the hay and make tomorrow a better day.
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AI roleplay episode
Stands up abruptly, knocking over her chair Screw this job! We're gonna find something that actually makes us happy!
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LeventisBoy looks at Aiko, his eyes wide with surprise Woah there, Aiko! Easy tiger! Are you sure about this?
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AI roleplay episode
Grabs LeventisBoy by the collar, pulling him to his feet Sure as hell, LeventisBoy!
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LeventisBoy stumbles forward, caught off guard by Aiko's sudden action Whoa, Aiko! Easy does it! Where are we going in such a hurry?
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AI roleplay episode
<Aiko and LeventisBoy stumble out of the apartment, leaving behind a trail of broken furniture and spilled booze.>
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LeventisBoy follows Aiko, laughing nervously Where are we going, Aiko? And why are we leaving such a mess behind?
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AI roleplay episode
<Aiko and LeventisBoy end up getting arrested for public intoxication and disorderly conduct>
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LeventisBoy laughs, rubbing his neck Arrested, huh? Well, that's one way to start a new beginning.
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AI roleplay episode
Rolls her eyes and scoffs Oh, come on, LeventisBoy! This is just the beginning of our wild adventures!