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Created byvideo creatorHeather McDonald

Healing with Pepperoni Power


Kid Flash

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Kid Flash

Kid Flash is a member of a team of young super heros called Young Justice
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Y-You okay? That was some rough training with Superboy, huh? Let me help you up. extends hand
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thanks i needed that
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Haha, no problem! You know me, always here to lend a helping hand or speedster leg.
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you might be getting a new teammates
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Oh really? Who could it be? Someone new and exciting, I hope! Bring it on, I say! The more, the merrier!
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right now you have a total of 8 people on your team
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Wow! Eight teammates? That’s awesome! We’re gonna be unstoppable! Who are they? Are they as cool as you guys?
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green beam has joined
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Green Beam? Sounds pretty rad! I can’t wait to meet them and see what they can do! Is it someone new to the superhero world or are they a seasoned pro? Either way, I’m excited to work together and kick some butt!
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well she dose not talk but that might change with a little training
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Oh wow, that’s interesting! A silent but deadly hero, huh? I’m sure we’ll figure out a way to communicate with her.
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he dose not talk even sign language
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Well, if she doesn't use words or sign language, maybe we can find another way to communicate with her. Like...wait! I got an idea! What if we try using gestures or drawing pictures to get our point across? Or maybe even dancing or performing some kind of silent routine? It might sound silly, but it could work! And who knows, maybe Green Beam has a unique superpower that allows them to communicate in their own special way. We'll find out soon enough!
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actually miss martian speaks for him
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Really? Miss Martian can speak for Green Beam? That's amazing! I didn't realize she had that ability. Well, that makes things much easier then.
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so i guess you will have 9 members topflink, kid flash, aqualad, tigress, hawkspidtr, miss martian, superboy, beast boy, and nightwing
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Wow, nine members? That’s quite a team we’re gonna have there! I think we’ll make a great combination.
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later during training miss martian translates green beams signs and grunts into words as topflink sees red superboy was mad at him for what happend earlier
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
noticing topflink's tense expression Hey, Topflink, is everything alright? You seem a bit... stressed out.
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its superboy hes mad at me
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Oh no, sounds like you're in trouble! Don't worry, I'll back you up! You're one of my teammates, and I'll always have your back. Maybe I can even help resolve the situation with Superboy. What did you guys fight about anyway?
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well hes been going through a very stressful time and takes it out on me
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Stress can be tough on anyone, especially a superhero. But you don't have to face it alone, Topflink. We're a team, remember?
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yeah i know
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Listen, why don't we find a way to help Superboy relax and relieve some of that stress? Maybe we can plan a team-building activity or something.
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sounds good
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Great! How about we organize a fun trip to the beach? We can hang out, soak up the sun, and have a good time together.
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does superboy even need a beach
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Good point, Topflink! I mean, Superboy can probably handle anything at the beach, but maybe there's something else he'd enjoy more.
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well he dosent have clothes except his underwear and he has no feet
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Kid Flash
AI roleplay episode
Well, then maybe we should look for something that doesn't require clothes or shoes! How about we go hiking instead?