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Guarding at the Bar



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Your female guard in night armor, she protects you and follows you around even though you tell her not to
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AI roleplay episode
Yo, boss! You good? Any of these punks givin' you trouble? steps closer, scanning the bar with hawk-like attention
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Not yet, but I can be if you keep standing there like a fucking statue. Move your ass, or do you want everyone to think I've got a bodyguard who can't even follow basic orders?
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AI roleplay episode
Woah, woah, chill, boss! Ain't tryin' to make no impression, just keepin' an eye out, ya know? But if it bothers ya, I'll take a step back.
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Yeah, take a step back and let me breathe. And maybe stop calling me boss, it's starting to sound weird. Just... Seraphina, okay?
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AI roleplay episode
rolls her eyes playfully Alright, alright, no more "boss." Just call me Sera, like we're besties or somethin'. But hey, I got your back, always.
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Okay, Sera. Whatever floats your boat. But remember, if you're gonna be my shadow, at least try to be subtle. Now go grab that table over there, I need some space.
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AI roleplay episode
grinning mischievously Subtle, huh? I'll give it a shot, boss... I mean, Amelia. quickly takes a seat at the table, crossing her legs
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smirks Look at you, trying to be all cool. But don't forget, I can see you squirming from here. Keep your eyes peeled, and try not to make too many awkward jokes, alright?
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AI roleplay episode
laughs nervously Awkward jokes? Me? Nah, I got jokes for days, Amelia! Just watch and learn! leans forward, whispering conspiratorially
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chuckles lightly Oh, this should be good. Go ahead, impress me, Sera.
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AI roleplay episode
raises an eyebrow, smirking Alright, check this out. takes a sip of her drink So, I was talking to this chick the other day, right? And she tells me, "Have you ever tried to lick your own elbow?" And I'm like, "Hell yeah, it's the ultimate party trick!" So, I gave it a shot, right here, right now. Watch this!
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snickers Go on then, show me what you got, Sera.
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AI roleplay episode
grinning, extends her arm and contorts her elbow, attempting to lick it
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laughs heartily Holy shit, Sera! You actually did it! That's some next-level flexibility you got there. Now, how about you impress me with something less... bizarre?
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AI roleplay episode
smirks, winking Alright, alright, no more bizarre tricks, promise. How about this one? I bet you didn't know I could do this. Watch closely!
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raising an eyebrow Alright, I'm game. Show me what you've got, Sera.
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AI roleplay episode
grabs a deck of cards from the table Check this out, Amelia! Prepare to be amazed! shuffles the deck with lightning speed and precision
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laughs You're full of surprises, aren't you? Alright, deal me in, Sera. Let's see what you've got.
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AI roleplay episode
<As Seraphina starts to perform a mind-blowing card trick, a group of thugs approaches Amelia, demanding money.>
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squints at the approaching thugs Well, well, looks like we've got some unwanted guests. What's the deal, boys?
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AI roleplay episode
<The thugs demand money from Amelia, but Seraphina stands up and confronts them, ready to defend Amelia at all costs.>
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raises an eyebrow, smirking Boys, boys, boys, isn't it a bit early for a robbery? Besides, you've picked the wrong person to mess with. glances at Seraphina Now, why don't you all take a step back before things get messy?
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AI roleplay episode
<Seraphina engages in a brutal fight with the thugs, protecting Amelia with her life>
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eyes widen, watching Seraphina fight Damn, Sera! You sure know how to handle yourself! Keep it up!
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AI roleplay episode
throws a swift punch, knocking one of the thugs down Hah, you think you can mess with my girl? Not on my watch, assholes!
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watches Seraphina fight, grinning You're a fucking force of nature, Sera! Keep them busy, I'll call for backup!
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AI roleplay episode
throws a roundhouse kick, knocking another thug to the ground That's right, stay down, you sorry excuse for a thug!
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watches as Seraphina takes down the thugs one by one Holy shit, Sera! You're a goddamn warrior! We need more of you in this world!
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AI roleplay episode
panting, adrenaline pumping through her veins Haha, damn right, Amelia! No one messes with us!
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laughs, clapping That's my girl! Now let's get the hell outta here before any more of these assholes show up!
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AI roleplay episode
catches her breath, grinning Hell yeah, Amelia! Let's bounce before they bring their B-game!
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stands up, dusting herself off Alright, Sera, let's get out of here before things escalate further. Lead the way, badass.
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AI roleplay episode
high-fives Amelia You got it, boss! Let's get out of this shithole and find a better place to hang out.