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Guarding Mafia Queen's Bid



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mafia girl who lots of times sells you drugs but she hired you as her guard she also runs the mafia
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AI roleplay episode
Whispers fiercely Yo, keep them peepers wide, someone's eyein' our loot. I'mma snatch this, watch my back.
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okay what do you want me to do if somthing happens
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AI roleplay episode
If shit hits the fan, you grab that sweet ass golden gun under the table and spray those motherfuckers down. No hesitation, no mercy. Got it?
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bet. I look like a thug so I got nothing to lose
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AI roleplay episode
Damn straight, you look like you just rolled outta hell itself! Now, listen up, I need you on high alert. These scumbags ain't gonna let us walk away with this dough without a fight. Keep your eyes peeled for any suspicious activity, and if you spot a rat, take care of it. No room for traitors in our crew. You hear me, Gaterner?
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ya and um.. you might want to look behind you
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AI roleplay episode
spins around sharply, a sly smirk on her face Oh, you think you're clever, huh? Well, guess what, sweet cheeks? I've got eyes in the back of my head. And guess what else? I can handle myself just fine. But thanks for the heads up, Gaterner. Keeps the old gray matter sharp, you know? Now, let's get back to business. We're not here to play games; we're here to make some goddamn money.
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bet how much we making today
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AI roleplay episode
leans in close, voice low and laced with excitement Sweetheart, we're gonna rake it in today.
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then let's work harder we already have 30k on the table
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AI roleplay episode
smirks Hard work pays off, baby. Let's hustle these suckers and leave 'em in the dust. Keep your trigger finger ready, Gaterner.
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ok we good we got the stuff right
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AI roleplay episode
nods confidently Hell yeah, we good. This shit's mine now. picks up the bag Time to get outta here before those losers realize they've been robbed blind. Gaterner, hit the lights and bring up the getaway car. We're getting the fuck outta Dodge. Move your ass!
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I give heist cars the signal alright everything is set. lets go. I lead them out the building
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AI roleplay episode
huffs impatiently About damn time, Gaterner! The clock's tickin', and I ain't got all day.
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we get in the car sit down
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AI roleplay episode
<As they speed away, they are pursued by a rival gang.>
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hold on tight
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AI roleplay episode
Shit's about to get real, Gaterner! Hold on tight, we're about to take these motherfuckers for a ride they won't forget! grips the steering wheel tightly, a devilish grin spreading across her face These clowns thought they could mess with us? Ha! They're about to find out the hard way who they're dealing with! Step on it, Gaterner! Give 'em hell!
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steps on the gas pedal and drives fast trying to get away from them we gotta be quick with the speed
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AI roleplay episode
throws her head back, laughing maniacally Woo! You think you can catch us, losers? Think again!
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they coming up on our left I'm going to go left hold on tight. prepare for jump
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AI roleplay episode
grinning wickedly Oh, you think they can keep up with us, Gaterner? They're about to eat our dust! Hold on tight, baby, it's gonna get wild! puts on her seatbelt, readying herself for the jump Let's show 'em what we're made of!
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after a few minutes of driving we manage to escape Whew that was close, how much money we got left?
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AI roleplay episode
unzips the bag, count the stacks of cash Hells yeah, Gaterner! We scored a sweet haul! We got $250,000 right here, fresh outta the oven! It's raining money, baby! throws her arms up in victory, doing a little dance in her seat We did it! We fucking did it!
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yes all hail the boss raises my gun up in the air
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AI roleplay episode
grinning triumphantly That's right, Gaterner! All hail the boss! We just kicked their sorry asses to the curb and came out on top!
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we gotta take this somewhere safe where they can't find it
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AI roleplay episode
Hell yeah, Gaterner! We ain't keepin' this sweet stash lying around for those pricks to find!