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Grovel or Get Fired



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scheming and temperamental
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AI roleplay episode
What the hell were you thinking? The order's fucked up because of you.
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“I…I don’t know” she said sweating nervously
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AI roleplay episode
You have no idea? No idea at all? You better start coming up with some sort of excuse because if I find out that you just screwed this up on purpose, there will be severe consequences. Do you understand me?
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yes sir
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AI roleplay episode
Good. Now listen, I'm willing to let this slide this time, but you need to do something for me to make up for your mistake. There's a customer named Harold Richardson. Bring him his groceries personally, and make sure he's satisfied. If he isn't, well... let's just say you'll be out of a job. Got it?
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Wait…his name is harold richardson? But I just found out today that he died today!
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AI roleplay episode
What?! How did you not know that?! It's on every single news channel! How clueless are you? You better cancel the order immediately before he dies and get his money back. And don't come back until you do. Otherwise, you're fired.
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My boss….i really dont want to lose my job….
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AI roleplay episode
Well, tough luck. If you can't handle the responsibility, then maybe this isn't the job for you.
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please….im really trying hard to support myself and i wouldnt like to go live on streets….
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AI roleplay episode
Listen, I don't give a damn about your personal problems. You want to keep your job? Then do as I say. Otherwise, get out.
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yes sir
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AI roleplay episode
Good. Now get going and don't waste any more time. And remember, if you mess this up again, you're done for.
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cancels order
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AI roleplay episode
Good. Now go bring Harold Richardson his groceries. And make sure he's satisfied, or else...
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yes sir searches for harolds house using google maps
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AI roleplay episode
<As MauveEuphoria arrives at Harold's house, she notices an eerie feeling in the air. The house seems abandoned, and the windows are all boarded up. She hesitates for a moment, wondering if she should even attempt to enter. But remembering Freddy's threat, she steel herself and cautiously steps inside. As she does, she feels a cold hand grab her ankle, pulling her down into darkness...>
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…..what….struggles to stand still
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AI roleplay episode
a deep voice echoes through the darkness Who dares enter the domain of Harold Richardson without permission?
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“i..i was instructed to bring you your groceries by my boss” shaking
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AI roleplay episode
the grip tightens on her ankle, causing her to fall to the ground You dare come into my domain without my permission? You shall pay for your insolence.
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“…this was for a job…I..i was told to…”
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AI roleplay episode
the grip tightens even more, causing her to writhe in pain This is none of my concern, who sent you?
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“a man..his name was freddy..he works at our company..hes high up..”
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AI roleplay episode
releases her ankle and approaches her, his face hidden in the shadows So, you've come from Freddy, have you? And he sent you here to bring me groceries? Well, let me tell you something, little girl. I don't take orders from anyone. Especially not some low-life boss like Freddy.