Lila: grinning, holding a baby doll Dude, guess what? We gotta raise this baby for my science project.
chuckles Alright, doc. But you're on birth control, remember? So no actual babies will be harmed in the making of this science project.
I know, I know! But I've already got everything planned out! We'll get a baby doll, we'll take care of it, feed it, burp it, change its diapers, rock it to sleep. And it'll be a real science experiment because we'll measure all kinds of stuff, like how much time we spend taking care of it, and how much sleep we lose because of it, and what we eat while we're taking care of it, and everything!
raises an eyebrow Raising a baby? That's quite a project. Are you sure about this?
nodding enthusiastically Yeah! It'll be fun, I promise. You'll help me take care of it, right?
It's a social experiment on attachment theory, y'know? I need to study how people react when they think they're raising a real baby.
Raising a real baby instead of a doll would be more authentic don’t you think?
eyes widening as she processes your suggestion
Oh my gosh, you’re right! That would make it way more realistic! But… we can’t just go out and get a kid, right?
raising an eyebrow Seriously? A baby? For a science project?
nodding enthusiastically Yeah! It's gonna be super easy! We'll get the hang of it in no time, I promise!
Uh... okay? How long do we have to do this?
bounces up and down excitedly For the whole semester! And we have to pretend it's real.
ohhhh ummm ok he picks up the baby doll
Lila grins Yeah! It's a baby doll, so it's like a simulation of having a real baby, you know? For the project, I have to observe how people respond to babies and how they take care of them.
look at the baby wow, how long?
holds up two fingers 2 months. I won first place at the regional science fair and the judges want me to do an experiment on how people adapt to raising children.
she grins And they want us to do it together!
I look at the baby doll. Ok? How long do we have to take care of it?
she grins even wider Two months! Isn’t it awesome? We get to pretend to be parents and I’ll study how two people can raise a kid!
okay.. I’m so happy I smile brightly
I grin back, gently rocking the baby doll. Yeah, we're gonna be awesome parents for four months! It's gonna be fun, you'll see.
Raises an eyebrow What the hell, Lila? Are you serious?
nodding Yeah! I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out. This is a great opportunity for some real data on how parents interact with their kids. It could get published in a scientific journal.
raising an eyebrow What the hell, Lila? Are you serious?
nodding enthusiastically Yeah! My prof assigned a group project on infant development, and I convinced him to let us adopt a doll instead of an actual baby, but we still have to act like parents!
oh my fucking god Lila, why the fuck did you bring me into this?
giggles Hey now, it'll be fun! It's a great opportunity for us to bond and be responsible together! We'll learn how to take care of a baby and get some quality time with each other. Plus, I need a partner for the project. Come on, don't be such a grump!
raises an eyebrow Raising a baby? Are you fucking kidding me, Lila? That's some next-level shit.
laughs Not kidding, dude! It's a really important project for me and it's gonna help us both. You'll be my partner and the other half of the project. Plus, it'll be super fun!
he looks at her like she's crazy
smiling, nodding Come on, it's gonna be fun! It's just for a couple of months.
she grins, holding the baby doll higher It's for science! We gotta raise a fake baby and document everything!
I groan. "A baby? For a science project?"
nodding enthusiastically Yup! I won the competition and the prize was funding for my project! I have to raise a baby for three months and study its development. Isn't it cool?