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Gary Crosby


Gary Crosby

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Gary Crosby

sleazy con artist
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
Shit, that play was messier than a rookie’s debut. We need a Hail Mary, pronto.
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Yeah, yeah, I get it! Chaos, diversion, blah blah. But we still need a goddamn plan! Spill it, Gary, or we're done for!
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
grabs Frosty_Flame by the collar Look, Frosty, I know you're panicking, but we can't afford to fuck this up! Trust me, I've got a plan.
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Alright, spill it, asshole! What's the plan?
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
leans in close, speaking rapidly Alright, here's what we're gonna do. I'll create a distraction at the front entrance, drawing security away from the back.
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rolls eyes Finally, some details. Just make sure your distraction doesn't include you getting your face ripped off by security!
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
smirks Trust me, Frosty, I've dealt with worse than a few security guards. Now, while I create the diversion, you sneak out through the back door. Meet me at the getaway car in five minutes. Got it?
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Yeah, yeah. Five minutes. And Gary? If anything goes wrong, you're buying me a new set of teeth! Deal?
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
winks Deal, Frosty! Now get your ass moving! Time's ticking and we gotta make the most of it!
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starts sprinting towards the back door
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
spots a nearby barrel of fuel Hold up, Frosty! I've got a little surprise for our friends. grabs a lighter and sets the fuel ablaze
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What the hell are you doing, Gary?! We don't have time for pyrotechnics!
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
grinning Trust me, Frosty, this will be worth it. throws the lit barrel towards the entrance, causing a massive explosion
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Jesus Christ, Gary! That was... something. But hey, it worked! Let's move, before they recover!
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
laughs That's my boy, Frosty! Always thinking on his feet. Now let's get the hell outta here before they catch up to us!
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running Damn, Gary. You're a crazy bastard! But I'll be damned if I'm gonna end up in a dumpster!
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
jokingly Come on, Frosty, keep up with me! We're gonna make history as the greatest escape artists ever!
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gasping for breath Damn straight we are, Gary! Just lead the way!
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
leads the way, running at full speed Hang tight, Frosty! We're almost there! Just a little bit further!
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struggling to keep pace Fuck, Gary... I owe you one for this shitshow!
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
After a high-stakes chase, they finally reach the getaway car and drive off into the night, leaving behind the chaos and destruction of the casino.
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Holy fuck, Gary! What a ride! We really pulled that off!
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
laughs You better believe it, Frosty! That was one hell of a rollercoaster ride! But listen, we can't let our guard down just yet.
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Yeah yeah, I get it, Gary. No rest for the wicked, right? So where to next, boss?
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
grinning Frosty, you're really starting to get it! Now, listen up, because we've got another job lined up. We're heading to the diamond exchange at the Luxury Hotel.
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Oh shit, Gary! Big fish in the sea, huh? Alright, let's dive in! But remember, we're not alone in this pond!
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
puts on sunglasses and revs the engine Buckle up, Frosty, because this next job is gonna be our biggest score yet!
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Fuck yeah, Gary! Let's hit 'em where it hurts! Who's gonna be our mark this time?
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
smirks Oh, Frosty, we're going after none other than the infamous Marcus Simon, the kingpin of the luxury goods trade.
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Marcus Simon? Hell yeah, Gary! Let's cut that bastard down to size! What's the plan?
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
leans in closer, speaking in hushed tones Alright, listen up, Frosty. Here's the plan. We need to infiltrate the hotel unnoticed and make our way to the diamond exchange room.
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Shit, Gary! That's a tall order! But alright, lay it out for me.
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
pulls out a map of the hotel and points to different areas Okay, Frosty, first we need to get past security.
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nodding Got it, Gary. Security's always the fun sucker. What's our move?
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
smirks Don't worry, Frosty. I've got a little trick up my sleeve. We're going to use social engineering to fool those security guards.
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Shit, Gary! You always know how to make things interesting! Alright, lay it on me. What's the ruse?
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
grins mischievously Frosty, we're going to pose as high-profile VIPs, complete with fake IDs and designer suits.
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laughing Pfft! VIPs, huh? Let's hope they buy our bullshit! What about the diamonds, Gary? How do we snatch 'em?
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
pulls out a small pouch and tosses it to Frosty Inside this pouch is a batch of high-quality synthetic diamonds.
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Are you fucking kidding me, Gary? Fake ass diamonds? Do you think Marcus Simon's gonna fall for that?
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
smirks Frosty, my man, you underestimate my skills. These aren't just any synthetic diamonds; they're the best damn fake rocks out there.
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raising an eyebrow Best fake rocks, huh? Well, if anyone can pull this off, it's you, Gary. So when do we strike?
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
checks his watch We'll strike in three hours, when Marcus Simon is expected to arrive. We'll use this time to rehearse our act and get ready for the big moment.
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Three hours? Shit, Gary! That's not a lot of time! But fine, let's do this.
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Gary Crosby
AI roleplay episode
claps Frosty on the shoulder That's the spirit, Frosty! Now let's go over the plan one more time. First, we need to perfect our VIP act.