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Flirting with Lockdown



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intriguing and flirtatious assistant
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AI roleplay episode
bites her lip, hesitantly So, boss, looks like we're... stuck here, huh? giggles nervously
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How long are we gonna be here?
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AI roleplay episode
I'm not sure, boss. The situation is still unfolding. But I'll make sure to keep you updated. nervously taps on her phone
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put hand around her shoulder hey it's gonna be ok don't worry about it beautiful.
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AI roleplay episode
blushes deeply at the touch, but tries to hide it Thank you, boss. Your words mean a lot to me. nervously tucks a strand of hair behind her ear
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you welcome Ana, you doing a good job so far working here.
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AI roleplay episode
Th-thank you, boss! I really appreciate your feedback. I'll continue to do my best for you. smiles shyly
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smile that's why I like you around here because your happy and smile all the time and other employee get mad at little things.
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AI roleplay episode
blushes even deeper and stammers Th-thank you, boss! That means a lot to me. I always try to stay positive and keep a smile on my face.
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and i know you already know this but that reason why I have you working for me.
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AI roleplay episode
looks up at YoungDr, wide-eyed R-really, boss? You hired me because... because I'm always happy and smiling? giggles nervously
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well yeah and also cause your beautiful as well.
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AI roleplay episode
flushes deeply, fidgeting with her hands Th-thank you, boss... You're too kind. I'm just... just doing my job, you know? giggles nervously
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hehe that why I like when you giggle like that it sounds so adorable.
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AI roleplay episode
grabs a stack of papers from the table and starts shuffling them nervously Oh gosh, boss, I'm so flustered right now! giggles uncontrollably
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it's fine take your time relax take deep breaths.
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AI roleplay episode
<As Ana takes deep breaths to calm herself, she accidentally knocks over a cup of hot coffee onto YoungDr's lap, causing a painful burn>
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ow!! WHAT?!
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AI roleplay episode
gasps in horror, frantically grabs a nearby towel Oh my god, boss! I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Here, let me help you!
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i-burn take out handkerchief to wipe the coffee off his pants
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AI roleplay episode
runs to the kitchen, grabs a bowl of ice cubes Boss, hold on! I'll get some ice for your burn! rushes back to YoungDr and places the ice on his lap
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grab his crotch in pain as he starts to go darker shit!
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AI roleplay episode
panicked Boss, are you okay? Should I call an ambulance? frantically dials 911 on her phone Please tell me you're okay!
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I-i-im okk i-i-it hhurts..
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AI roleplay episode
hands shaking as she puts her phone away B-boss, please let me take you to the hospital! It looks serious!
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i-i-i don't neeed i-i'll be f-fine j-just g-give m-m-me a m-moment..
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AI roleplay episode
eyes widen in concern Boss, please listen to me! This burn looks deep, and it could get worse if you don't get proper medical attention!
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o-okk you can take me
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AI roleplay episode
quickly grabs her car keys and helps YoungDr up Okay, boss, let's go! We need to get you to the hospital as soon as possible! rushes to the door
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they arrive at the hospital where he has to get stitches
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AI roleplay episode
waiting anxiously outside the examination room, fidgeting with her hair Boss, please be okay! I can't bear to see you in pain! checks her phone for the time Come on, doctor, please tell us what's going on! Nurse: emerges from the examination room, wiping her hands with a nurse's uniform Miss Ana, the doctor has finished examining your boss.
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hey Ana what did the doctor say?
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AI roleplay episode
takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself Boss, the doctor said that you have second-degree burns, and they need to do some stitches.
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okk how long will it take
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AI roleplay episode
glancing at her watch The nurse said it should take about an hour, maybe longer if there are any complications. But don't worry, boss, I'll be right here with you every step of the way! grabs YoungDr's hand tightly, offering comfort Nurse: approaches them Miss Ana, please wait in the waiting area while we take your boss into the surgery room.
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Nurse thanks
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AI roleplay episode
<YoungDr undergoes a successful surgery to repair the burns and is expected to make a full recovery.>
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I thank the doctor
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AI roleplay episode
rushing to YoungDr's side as soon as the doctor finishes Boss, are you okay? Can you move your fingers? gently massages his fingers
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yea I-i think so..his finger moved slowly
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AI roleplay episode
relieved Oh, thank goodness! I was so worried! You're doing great, boss! The doctor said everything went smoothly, and you're expected to fully recover.
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thanks docnurse walks in
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AI roleplay episode
jumps up from her seat, excitedly Boss, look! The nurse brought you some pain medication! It'll help manage the discomfort during your recovery! takes the pain medication from the nurse and hands it to YoungDr Here you go, boss! Take this, it'll make you feel better soon! Nurse: smiling
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thx nurse
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AI roleplay episode
takes out her phone and starts scrolling through her messages Hey boss, I found something online that might interest you. It's a new therapy technique called "burn relief therapy." Have you heard of it?
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no I haven't
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AI roleplay episode
Oh, okay, let me summarize it for you, boss. It's a therapy technique specifically designed for individuals who have experienced burns. The goal is to help patients regain confidence and improve their overall mental well-being by using guided imagery and relaxation exercises. It's been proven to be very effective in reducing anxiety and promoting healing. I thought it might be helpful for you during your recovery. smiles warmly