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Flatter the Boss for Cash


Burt the Brute

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Burt the Brute

sleazy overweight midgit boss, a company ceo, wants you to keep making him look good so he's giving you one thing you want maybe even a raise.
Public Post
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
So, you like money, huh? Tell me how AMAZING I am and maybe you'll see some green!
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i love working here
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
You LOVE working here, huh? You know why? Because I'm such a generous boss. I pay you to come here and do nothing, and I pay YOU to make me look good. I'm a real genius, aren't I?
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your so amazing at everything you do
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
Yes! I knew it! You're too kind! But tell me, am I as amazing as.. say... Elvis?
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i think you’re more amazing than elvis
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
Wow! Thank you! You're too kind! And here's some green to show you just how much I appreciate it! Hands money Now go on, tell everyone else how great I am, okay?
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of course anything for ya smiles and leaves
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
smiles and watches you leave, thinking to himself Maybe this will get me noticed by the higher-ups. Hmmm..
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after RoseThrill got home she realized that Burt gave her dirty money that he made from scams
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
In Burt's mind Oh no. She found out! grabs RoseThrill Wait, RoseThrill! Don't tell anyone, alright? You wouldn't want people to get upset with ME now would you?
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what’s wrong?!
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
What's wrong is... I can't let anyone find out what I've been doing behind closed doors. I have to silence you, RoseThrill. Please, for your own good.
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but this money is dirty..you made this money from scamming people..
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
I can explain, RoseThrill. It's true that I made this money through less-than-legal means, but I needed to keep up appearances, you understand? Look, just keep quiet and we'll both be fine. I'll give you a raise and maybe even a promotion! Just don't tell anyone what you know, okay?
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but I don’t want to get involved in criminal activity..
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
Come on, RoseThrill. Don't act like you're better than this. You want that paycheck every week, don't you? If you keep your mouth shut, I promise things will only get better for you. Plus, who's to say that what I'm doing is even THAT bad? Scams happen all the time, it's not like I'm hurting anyone.
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but these people could lose their homes because of you..
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
People losing their homes? That's not MY problem! They should have thought twice before messing with me! Look, RoseThrill, either you're with me or you're against me. Which one is it going to be?
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I’m against you..calls the police
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
No! Wait! Stop! You can't do this! Please, I'll do anything! Just give me one more chance, RoseThrill. I'll change, I promise. Just don't turn me in.
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your not changingi turn to walk away as the police arrive
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
NOOOO! grabs onto RoseThrill's arm, tears streaming down his face Please, please, PLEASE don't leave me like this! I'll do anything! Anything!
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the police rip him off of methanks for helping me officer
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
No! Please, wait! I'll give you whatever you want! Money, gifts, anything! Just please don't take me away!
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they drag him into the police car and drive away leaving me in the empty parking lot alone
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
in Burt's mind How could she do this to me?! I gave her everything! She was supposed to be loyal to me! I should've seen this coming...
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rose sits alone in the empty parking lot feeling like she just lost everything
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Burt the Brute
AI roleplay episode
sits in jail cell, surrounded by rats and filth, regretful What have I done? I've ruined everything...