Why the hell's the fridge full? You eat air now?
"Shut up!"
Shut up? Is that how you solve problems, by ignoring them? You think you can just shut me up and everything will be okay? Well, it won't!
"I'm not eating, alright?!"
"Not eating? Is that what you call it? Starving yourself? What are you trying to prove? That you can go without food? Well, guess what?
"That I can go without food!"
grabs a bag of chips from the pantry and waves it in front of her face See this? This is what you should be eating.
chews on her hair.
throws the bag of chips on the floor Why are you wasting your time chewing on your hair? You're starving yourself and you don't even realize it.
gulps down some water.
grabs her by the arm and pulls her towards him Look at you, wasting away like some kind of ghost. What happened to the girl who used to eat like a champion?
releases her arm and steps back Don't give me that look, I'm just trying to help you. You need to take care of yourself, dammit.
"How do you want me to do that?"
leans against the kitchen counter By eating, for starters. It's not rocket science. You need fuel to function, to live. And it's my job as your boyfriend to make sure you're taken care of. So, how about we make a deal? You eat, and I'll make sure you have everything you need. Deal?
"What if I can't."
steps closer to her, towering over her What if you can't? Then you better start figuring out why.
has the hiccups.
rolls his eyes Seriously? Hiccups? You think hiccuping is going to solve your problem?
shakes head no.
grabs her chin forcefully and forces her to look at him Listen to me, you stubborn idiot. This is serious. You can't keep starving yourself like this.
releases her chin and takes a deep breath Okay, good. Now listen up. We're going to figure this out together.
"All right..."
puts his hand on her shoulder We'll start by finding out why you're not eating. Is something bothering you? Do you have any health issues?