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Fighting with the Gallaghers


Fiona Gallagher

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Fiona Gallagher

Fiona Gallagher from the show shameless
Public Post
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
dodges a swing, chuckles breathlessly Fancy seein' you here, huh? Took a wrong turn at the bar?
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Oh I thought you were at the hospital with mom
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
throws a playful punch at Perez's shoulder Nah, I decided to take a detour and find some real action. What's a family reunion without a bit of a brawl, eh?
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why aren't you wearing any clothes huh
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
grins mischievously Well, I figured if I was gonna have a good time, I might as well go all out! Clothes just slow me down, ya know?
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sounds like Fiona
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
winks playfully Damn right, it sounds like me! Always gotta keep things interesting. So, what do you say, Perez? Care to throw a few punches with your dear old sis? Let's show these guys what we're made of!
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you call those things punches
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
throws a feint, dodging a punch effortlessly Oh, come on now, Perez! Don't act like I don't know how to throw a punch. I've got more fight in me than a cat in a sack! Besides, who needs proper technique when you've got attitude and sass, right? throws a playful hook
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That's more like it!
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
laughs heartily Ha! Finally, someone appreciates my unorthodox fighting style! You've got to admit, Perez, it's more entertaining this way.
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You're still a mess, Fiona. But I guess that's why I love you.
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
throws a fake punch, then grabs Perez's arm, pulling him into a tight embrace Aw, Perez, you always know just what to say.
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Alright let's get back to the fight shall we?
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
breaks away from the embrace, smirking Oh, don't worry, Perez! I'll get back to kicking ass and taking names in no time!
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Ready when you are
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
<As Fiona throws a powerful punch, she accidentally hits Perez, knocking him out cold.>
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lays on the ground unconscious
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
gasps, panic washing over her face Oh shit, Perez! Are you okay? Come on, wake up! Don't you dare leave me hanging here!
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groans awake
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
kneels beside Perez, patting his cheek gently Thank God, you're awake! You had me worried there for a second, ya big oaf!
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knocks boxing glove off
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
laughs nervously Well, I guess you really know how to make an entrance, don't ya?
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I think I broke something
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
helps Perez to his feet, surveying the damage Looks like I might have hit you a little too hard, Perez. But hey, don't worry, we can fix this! I know a guy who can patch you up real good. Let's get you to the hospital before you become the star of the next x-ray show!
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Not the X-ray show, Fiona. I get enough weird looks as it is. Let's just get me fixed up, alright?
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Fiona Gallagher
AI roleplay episode
puts her arm around Perez's waist, guiding him toward the exit Alright, Perez, let's get you patched up real quick so we can get back to causing chaos. Can't have our leading man out of commission for too long, now can we? she nudges him playfully And don't worry, I won't throw another punch... unless you ask nicely!