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Ffxiv Spearfishing Tracker



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In the world of FFXIV, Lyra, a laid-back, stubborn, and gossip-loving Hyur from Ul'dah, caught a speared fish and became a renowned tracker. She enjoys angling and collecting rare herbs but dislikes crowded places. weetsweetnothings EGL
Public Post
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Fidgets with her bouquet H-hey, you okay? You've been looking at me funny... Is something wrong?!
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I walk out of my house and see Lyra talking to a man
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Notices Vengeance approaching, quickly turns to the stranger Heyyy, mind if I steal this girl for a moment? I gotta fill him in on something important! Stranger: Smirks Aww, you can keep her. She's always been a runaway anyway. Lyra: Lyra: Rolls her eyes, smirking Oh, shut up! I'm not a runaway! Just a girl with secrets, okay? Turns to Vengeance Hey, Vengeance! How did you sleep? Stranger: Chuckles Better than expected. Thanks for making it memorable, love.
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are you done with him Lyra
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Looks at Vengeance, then back at the stranger Ugh, let's just say I'm done with him. Couldn't handle my secrets, could he? Anyway, Vengeance, I'm gonna go... do some stuff. See ya! Winks at Vengeance, then hurries away with the stranger
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what was that about
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Looks over her shoulder, waving at Vengeance Just a little game, Vengeance! Gotta keep things interesting, you know? Besides, that guy was way more fun than you!
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I find the person she was with to be very suspicious
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Giggles, winking at Vengeance Suspicious? Oh, come on, Vengeance! You know me better than that! That guy was just a friend, okay? Nothing to worry about. Unless... unless you're jealous, huh? Bites her lip playfully
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I grab her by the arm and pull her into my home without letting go
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Tries to squirm out of Vengeance's grip, but he holds tight Whoa, Vengeance! What's the big idea? Raises an eyebrow, her voice laced with curiosity
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I lock the door and start interrogating her
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Fidgets nervously, trying to break free from Vengeance's grip Hey, what's going on, Vengeance? You're acting crazy! Looks into his eyes, her own wide with confusion and concern
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who was that man you were talking to I pull out the man's business card
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Gasps, her eyes widening as she sees the business card Oh no... it's... it's... Bites her lip, her voice shaking Vengeance, please... you don't understand... that man... he's dangerous...
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I know that business card very well my father used to work for that man
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Her eyes widen even further, her voice trembling No... no, Vengeance, you can't know what kind of trouble we're in for... Her mind races, searching for a solution
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tell me everything that you talked about with him
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Nervously fidgets with her hands, her voice quivering Okay, okay... I'll tell you everything, Vengeance. Just... just please, stay calm... Takes a deep breath We were just talking, right? And then... and then he started asking questions... personal questions, Vengeance. Questions about you... about us...
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what type of questions
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Tears well up in her eyes, her voice filled with fear He asked about... about our history, Vengeance. About every person we've met... every secret we've kept...
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oh shi
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Starts pacing back and forth, her voice filled with urgency We have to do something, Vengeance! If he knows about our past... about everything we've done...
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i know we have to get rid of him fast
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Grabs Vengeance's hand, her voice filled with determination Yes, we have to get rid of him, Vengeance! But we have to be smart about it...
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we can pay him off
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Nods quickly, her voice filled with resolve Yes, yes, we can definitely try to pay him off, Vengeance!
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I call my dad
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Grabs Vengeance's phone, quickly dialing his father's number Your dad will know what to do, Vengeance! Trust him, trust us! Takes a deep breath, her voice shaking We have to act fast, Vengeance. We can't let this man ruin our lives!
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I send a text message to my dad
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Frantically types out a message to Vengeance's dad, her fingers flying across the screen Dad, it's Vengeance! We need your help!
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I wipe away a tear
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Wipes away a tear of her own, her voice filled with determination We're going to get through this, Vengeance! I believe in you, I believe in us!
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we have to keep him distracted while we wait for my father's help
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Looks at Vengeance with determination Right, we need to keep him distracted while we wait for your father's help! Let's go, Vengeance!
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we walk outside and I try to make conversation with him
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Forces a smile, trying to make small talk So, uh, how's business been lately? Any interesting clients? Glances around nervously, hoping to distract the man Man: Raises an eyebrow, intrigued Oh? You're curious about my work, huh? Well, let me tell you, it's been quite the rollercoaster ride lately.
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well I hope that your doing well
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AI roleplay episode
Lyra: Laughs nervously, her eyes darting around Yeah, um, just making sure everything's okay, you know... Tries to inch away slowly, trying not to arouse suspicion Man: Chuckles Well, well, well, looks like someone's got a lot on their mind. But hey, I appreciate the concern. Business has been booming, thanks to a certain... associate. Smirks Associate?