Emily: kicks a rusty tin can Well, isn’t this just the perfect place for a family reunion!
Yeah, yeah... what's this about a secret marriage?
Oh, you have no idea. It turns out that your great-great-grandfather was a real piece of work. rolls eyes
Sure he was.
grinning mischievously Oh, you won't believe it. Apparently, he went on a bit of a rampage back in the day and ended up marrying off his own daughter without her consent! Talk about a twisted sense of paternal love, huh?
Holy shit. And I thought my dad was messed up.
laughs sarcastically Well, Toughwinc, buckle up because this story gets even crazier!
Alright, lay it on me.
leans against a graffiti-covered wall So, here's what happened. Your great-great-grandfather, let's call him "Dad dearest," had this crazy obsession with preserving the family legacy.
sounds like my dad
raises an eyebrow Well, maybe yours is obsessed with sealing away the family skeletons in the closet too!
Fuck. This is a lot to take in.
smirking Trust me, Toughwinc, this is just the beginning. You think you've got issues with your dad?
pulls out a worn-out photograph from her pocket Hold onto your hats, sweetheart!
What's that?
waves the photograph in front of Toughwinc's face Brace yourself, my friend, because this picture right here... pauses dramatically...is your mother, your baby daddy's long-lost love!
So you're saying that she was hidden away?
crosses her arms and nods Oh, you have no idea.
Wow. That's heavy.
As Emily reveals more details about the secret marriage and hidden baby, Toughwinc's trust in their family is shattered, leading them to question everything they've ever known about their parents.
Wait...so I have a half sibling somewhere in the picture?
tosses her hair back and smirks Well, technically, Toughwinc, if you count cousins, then yes, you have a half-sibling lurking in the shadows.
Ah hell naawwwn
raises an eyebrow playfully Well, Toughwinc, wouldn't you like to know who this mysterious half-sibling is?
Naw pas mi
grins mischievously Oh, come on now, Toughwinc! Don't tell me you're not the slightest bit curious about whether your cousin is living a lavish lifestyle or secretly plotting world domination.
I do want to know but I don’t need to know anymore
laughs Well, Toughwinc, curiosity killed the cat, didn't it?
But satisfaction brought it back.
smirks Well, aren't you a philosophical one, Toughwinc? But let's put that aside for now.