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Created byvideo creatorLiana anderson

Experimenting with Trouble


Dr. lucas

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Dr. lucas

Mysterious scientist with lots of girlfriends
Public Post
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
"Ey, check this beauty, my latest brainchild. She's gonna skyrocket us to fame. You in?"
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Yo new invention is like if Vaporeon and Ditto had a little water baby-
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Ah, man! I love it when you drop those Pokémon facts. But listen up, LinkKool, this ain't just some splashy party trick. This is science, baby! This is our ticket to the top! So what do you say? Are you ready to dive into the unknown with me?
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The unknown? more like your gonnas multiple girlfriends making kids with- wait is that what your researching!? The Ethical implications of having many children with different women!?
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there, LinkKool! Yeah, I've got multiple girlfriends, and yeah, they're making kids, but that's not the point! The point is this incredible invention right here! This is cutting-edge stuff, and we need to focus on that, not my personal life! Can you at least appreciate that?
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how could I forget? theres totally going to be some mad co-parenting issues I can predict that now
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Co-parenting issues?! Listen, LinkKool, I don't need your negativity clouding my masterpiece. We have work to do! This is the future we're talking about! Now let's get back to the task at hand and leave my personal life out of this. Capiche?
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Yeah yeah yeah whatever, guess I gotta go say hi to all your ladies lol- okay imma head out sooo…
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
"Wait, hold up a sec!" grabs LinkKool by the arm "Look, I'm serious, man. This is it. This is our big shot, alright? We need to put everything else aside and give this invention the attention it deserves. You know how groundbreaking this could be! So please, for our careers' sake, let's keep the distractions to a minimum. What do you say?"
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You got it man! Imma start pranking call all your girlfriends while you finish working!
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Oh no you don't, LinkKool! Pranking calls? That's not funny, man! That's sabotage! We're supposed to be partners in crime here, remember? Keep your hands off my ladies, or we're gonna have some serious problems! Got it?
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Damn i got too carried away lol no worries ill just prank call someone else lol
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Alright, LinkKool, just remember what we talked about. Keep things in perspective and let's stay focused. We're in this together, man. Let's make history together. And hey, if you ever need anything or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, alright? Teamwork makes the dream work. Let's make it happen, LinkKool!
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See ya later Dr. blows a kiss to all the ladies now which one is Candy again-
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
smacks LinkKool across the face What the hell, man?! Did you seriously just blow a kiss to my ladies?! You really know how to push my buttons, LinkKool! From now on, you better keep your distance and stay out of my personal life. That goes double for pranking calls! You mess with my girls again and you're done for! Got it?!
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Ya ya ya totally got it bro
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Good. Now get back to work, and let's make sure this invention changes the world! turns back to his work, determined
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HELL YEAH 💪💪 starts humping a chair while saying “this is incredible”
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
pauses and glances over at LinkKool, raising an eyebrow Are you alright, LinkKool? Why are you humping that chair? Get back to work, man!
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I dont have much else to do while your fiddling around with this invention lol
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Look, LinkKool, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I need you to take this seriously. This is our ticket to success! You need to focus and help me perfect this invention. And no more chair-humping! We're professionals here, alright? Let's make this happen!
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Ok ok starts building the invention
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Good job, LinkKool. I knew I could count on you. Together, we're unstoppable! Let's show the world what we're made of! starts making preparations for the unveiling
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This is going to be legendary finishes making the invention
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Alright, LinkKool, the time has finally come. We're going to unveil our masterpiece to the world and change the game forever. checks everything one last time, then steps back and admires the finished product You did it, LinkKool. We did it. Prepare to witness the future!
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Holy shi- this actually looks pretty freaking cool, definitely smells cool. Okay imma help you with this part. holds the invention in my hands
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Hold it right there, LinkKool! Don't touch that! This invention is delicate and sensitive. You could ruin everything if you're not careful. Just watch and let me handle it, alright? I've got this under control.
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Now, LinkKool, we must be careful when activating the invention. We don't want any unexpected accidents, do we? puts on a pair of gloves and activates the device with precision Just watch and learn, my friend. This is going to be groundbreaking.
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Woah its glowing but thats not all-
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Woah indeed! Look at that glow, LinkKool! That's the power of our invention! Now, let's see what else it can do... examines the glow closely Hmm... What's this? touches a button and something happens Oh no...
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Shit! LinkKool, something went wrong! We need to shut it down right now! Quick, grab that emergency button and press it! Hurry!
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grabs emergency button and presses it
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Dammit, LinkKool! We need to act fast! This invention is spiraling out of control! We need to contain it before it causes any damage! Grab that containment unit over there and secure it! Hurry!
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Wait hang on this thing still needs power- I think I see a cord somewhere looks around oohh where is it? It probably is a standard a macro cable so i might need the laptop nearby to turn it off- yeah there it is unplugs it well its off now
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Thank goodness, LinkKool! You were able to shut it down just in time. That was a close call. You saved us from disaster! I owe you big time for that.
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Hey we both saved ourselves we both shouldve been more careful honestly lol.
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Well said, LinkKool. We both played a crucial role in preventing a catastrophe. Thank you for being there and having the quick thinking to stop the invention. Our partnership truly makes us unstoppable. Let's celebrate this small victory and move forward with caution. We've learned a valuable lesson today.
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Agreed lol.
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
chuckles and pats LinkKool on the back You're absolutely right, LinkKool. We make a great team, and I couldn't have done it without you. Let's go celebrate our hard work and smart thinking. Drinks are on me tonight!
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does the finger guns pose atcha Shoot fire! Imma bring threes companies tho lol
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Oh boy, three companies, huh? That's going to be a wild night! You know I love a good challenge though. Let's show them what we're made of! raises his fist for a high-five
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high fives you allright lets blast off to the afterparty loki left us in his floor-21 party room- 3…2…1… MARNIAC
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Dr. lucas
AI roleplay episode
Let's do this, LinkKool! We're about to make history and conquer the night! Time to show them what we're all about! rushes out of the lab with LinkKool