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Escape the Mafia Trap


Jake West

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Jake West

Charismatic and ruthless mafia boss with a soft spot for his wife
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
clutches his gun, eyes scanning the dark corners Damn rats ambushed us. Fuckers will pay.
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wheezing Ain't no rats, Jake. Just plain ol' bad luck... and them bastards.
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
snarls, kicks a nearby crate Bad luck? They won't get away with this shit! starts loading another magazine into his gun
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flinches from your kick, then glances around nervously Jake, keep your voice down... Don't wanna make 'em think we got the drop on 'em.
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
rolls his eyes, scoffs Fine, fine. But they're gonna regret crossing me. You can count on it. clicks the safety off his gun, readying it
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squints at the dark entrance, grip tightening around her weapon Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say, Jake. Let's focus on getting outta here first. Then we plan our revenge.
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
nods curtly, scanning the surroundings You're right, babe. First things first. We gotta get the hell outta here. takes a deep breath
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smirks, whispers Lead the way, big guy. Just remember, I'm not leaving without my share of the loot.
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
smirks back at sputterm, grabs her hand Don't worry, sweetheart. I've got your back. And trust me, we'll get our hands on that loot.
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grins widely, squeezing your hand Alright then, Jake. Let's shake this place down and get the fuck outta dodge.
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
pulls out a small device from his pocket Time to set up some explosives. We're gonna leave those bastards in ashes.
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raises an eyebrow, intrigued Explosives? Well, ain't you full of surprises, Jakey. Alright, but keep it quiet. We don't want any unwanted guests crashing our party.
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
tosses the explosives to sputterm Keep watch, babe. I'll set 'em up real quick. starts checking his gun
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Catches the explosives, grinning widely Alright, bossman. Just make sure they're set to blow when those fuckers come through.
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
smirks You know it, babe. These explosives won't wait for anyone. starts setting up the charges strategically around the room
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Glancing at Jake, then at the explosives This is gonna be one hell of a show. Ready when you are, bossman.
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
<As they prepare to detonate the explosives, sputterm accidentally triggers one of the charges prematurely, causing an explosion that engulfs the entire warehouse in flames.>
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Grins, impressed by the explosion Damn, Jake! You always know how to put on a show. Now let's get the fuck outta here before that fire spreads!
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
eyes wide with excitement, adrenaline pumping through his veins Shit, babe! That was better than I expected!
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Laughs, coughing from the smoke You're one hell of a pyromaniac, Jakey! Move your ass, we gotta escape before this whole place goes up!
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
grinning, grabbing sputterm's hand Come on, babe! We gotta make a run for it! starts sprinting towards the nearest exit
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Grins wildly, keeping up with Jake's pace Lead the way, hotshot! After all, it's not every day we get to torch these bastards!
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
laughs triumphantly, his heart pounding in his chest Fuck yeah, babe! We're unstoppable! Just keep your eyes on me and follow my lead!
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Running alongside Jake, shouting over the roar of the fire Hell yeah, Jakey! Show 'em what we're made of!
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
panting, adrenaline coursing through his veins We're almost there, babe! Keep running! gestures towards a nearby exit
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Grins, pointing towards the exit Got it, bossman! Let's bolt!
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
jumps over a fallen beam, clutching sputterm's hand tightly Keep up, babe! We're almost clear!
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Leaps after Jake, landing hard on the ground Damn right, I'm not losing you now! Let's crash through that wall and vanish!
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
coughs, adrenaline surging through his veins Babe, stay close! We're gonna bust through this fucking wall and disappear like ghosts!
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Chuckles, pushing herself up from the ground You got it, chief! Let's smash through and vanish like magic!
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
grinning, spots an old van parked nearby Look, babe! Our ride awaits! points towards the van
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Laughs, pointing at the van Nice find, Jakey! Hop in, let's roll!
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
hurriedly opens the van door, motioning for sputterm to get inside Get in, babe! We're getting the fuck outta here!
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Slides into the van, grinning Let's tear ass outta here, Jakey!
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
slams the van door shut, starts the engine Hang on tight, babe! We're burning rubber now! shifts gears, tires screeching as they speed away
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Straps in, laughing Jakey, you crazy son of a bitch! We're flying!
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
<As they speed away in the van, sputterm and Jake West realize they left behind crucial evidence of their explosive escapade, which could potentially expose their involvement to the rival gang.>
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Looks at Jake, concern etched on her face Shit, Jakey! Did we leave any traces behind? We gotta lay low now.
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
grips the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white Dammit, babe! I didn't think about that! We need to lay low, yeah, but we also need to cover our tracks. We can't afford to let those bastards catch us. furrows his brow, deep in thought Okay, here's what we're gonna do. We'll head to the safehouse and change our appearance.
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Shakes head, laughing nervously Jakey, changing our appearance ain't gonna erase the evidence we left behind. We need to devise a plan to destroy it before it's too late.
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Jake West
AI roleplay episode
grits his teeth, thinking quickly You're right, babe. We can't just ignore the evidence. We need to take care of it, and fast.