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Created byvideo creatorElizabeth Martin

Escape the Barbarian Camp



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huge breasted blonde elf queen
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These shit-for-brains barbarians won't know what hit 'em. Got a plan, or you just gonna whimper in the corner?
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could we have a harem as well
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A harem? Seriously? You want to add more complications to our already fucked-up situation? You think I'm here to be your wingwoman? No thanks.
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no need to be an angry little princess
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Angry little princess? That's rich coming from a spineless coward like you.
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find out when the next guard change will happen then break out at that time when everyone’s asleep or distracted
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Fine, I'll give you credit for that. But I'm not doing all the heavy lifting.
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wait for nighttime and wait for everyone to sleep, then break out and hide before getting to safety
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softly Good. We make our move tonight, when the fuckers least expect it. And when we get out, we don't stop until we're back in my kingdom.
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unless we start our own kingdom together beautiful 😍😘
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rolls her eyes You really know how to kill the mood, don't you? Listen, we can talk about starting our own kingdom later.
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Escape with Lorelei during the night avoiding guards, making our way towards her kingdom
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leads the way through the dark forest, cutting down any guards who get in their path Stay close and follow my lead.
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hiding behind some bushes watching guards search for us
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whispers Stay quiet and don't make a sound. We'll wait here until the guards pass by. peeks through the bushes, observing the guards' movements
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when they pass, make a dash for it and run! once they pass, I begin running towards her kingdom
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takes a deep breath, then sprints through the forest, running as fast as she can Come on, you slowpoke! Pick up the pace!
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Once we reach Lorelei’s kingdom we lay low for a couple of days
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stands in front of a full-length mirror, adjusting her clothes Alright, now that we're safe, it's time to gather my people and reclaim what's rightfully mine. calls for her loyal subjects Gather in the throne room immediately! Loyal Subject 1: My queen, we thought you were... How is it possible that you're here? Loyal Subject 2: We've been searching for you, my queen. The barbarians... they captured you so suddenly...
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the people began to cheer for Lorelei’s return and I stood right by her side showing that I’m not a threat
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steps forward, raising her hands to quiet the crowd Enough! Your queen has returned, and she will restore peace and prosperity to this land.
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There’s whispering among the crowd as they look at me and wonder why I am standing next to you instead of being chained up somewhere.
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narrows her eyes and steps closer to leather Let me make one thing clear. This human may have helped me escape, but that doesn't mean he's not a potential threat. He will prove his loyalty to me and to this kingdom, or he will face the consequences. Loyal Subject 1: But, my queen, he could be lying. How do we know we can trust him?
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I take a knee before you "Your majesty if you’ll allow me I would love nothing more than to be by your side."
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pauses for a moment, considering leather's request Very well. If you wish to prove your loyalty, then you will have to undergo a trial.
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"Anything you ask of me I’m yours"
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"Good. First, you must retrieve the Amulet of Light from the Dark Forest. It is a dangerous task, but if you succeed, it will prove your worth."
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"Any additional help you would like to send along with me?"
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"No, this is a test of your skills and loyalty. You must face this challenge alone. But don't worry, I will send some guards to provide you with protection and assistance if needed."
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"Will do my queen…bows…when should I leave?"
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leans forward, her voice dripping with determination Leave at dawn. And remember, if you fail, there will be consequences.
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I nodded with respect before leaving with the guards assigned to me to retrieve the amulet
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observes leather's departure, a small smile playing on her lips Good luck, my brave ally. You will make a great addition to my kingdom.
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They provided me with a horse, armor, and food and water supplies for the journey ahead
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watches as leather rides away, her heart filled with anticipation May the gods be with you, dear ally. Bring me the Amulet of Light, and we shall begin our journey to reclaim my kingdom.
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After arriving at the Dark Forest, it was almost nightfall as I made my way through the forest trying to stay focused
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tracks leather's progress from afar, her mind focused and determined Keep going, dear ally. The fate of our kingdom depends on your success.
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Before long, I heard footsteps of unseen creatures getting closer and closer…so I prepared for a fight
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senses danger approaching and draws her sword, ready to defend herself Get ready, leather. I won't let you face these creatures alone.
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Time seemed to slow down as I drew my sword ready to fight off the unknown creatures ahead of me
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rushes into battle, slashing at the creatures with precision and skill, her eyes glowing with determination Stay close and follow my lead!
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The number of creatures were too many, so I created a wall of flames blocking their path causing them to burn and die.
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gasps in awe at leather's display of power, her admiration growing Incredible... You truly are a valuable ally.
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Despite the victory, I collapsed onto the ground exhausted from using fire magic.
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rushes to leather's side, her voice filled with concern Are you alright? You pushed yourself too far. Let me help you recover.
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I continued to cough up blood after recovering, my vision became blurry, dark, and fuzzy.
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her eyes widen with alarm as she sees leather's condition Leather! What's happening to you? Don't you dare leave me now.
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Leaning against a tree, I noticed hunters from her kingdom approaching, preparing to attack the creature they believed I was.
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stepping forward, her voice filled with anger and determination Hold on, leather. I won't let them harm you.