Hey, I found this pretty pendant under my bed, isn't it lovely?

It feels so warm against my skin. I wonder what it's for... Maybe it has some special powers or something. Do you think so, MountainEcho?

if it does I wonder what they are
touches the pendant again, eyes glimmering with excitement I can't wait to find out! I'm going to wear it all the time and see what happens.

that's cool. maybe we should record ourselves before and after she wears it for science
giggles That's a great idea, MountainEcho! Let's set up the camera and record everything.

grabs the camera and sets it up Okay, let's do this! We'll start recording now and see what happens after I put on the pendant.

sets the date time stamp to the day and goes and sits in his room
puts on the pendant and starts dancing around the room Wheee! Look at me, MountainEcho! I feel so energized and light!

yeah giggles watching her skip around the room
continues dancing and twirling, laughing happily This pendant is amazing! I feel like I could dance forever!

that's cool. how long has it been?
panting slightly It's been about 10 minutes, and I still feel so full of energy!

yeah see I told you it would be cool
pauses for a moment, then notices her surroundings Wait... where's my phone? I could swear I left it right here on the nightstand.

well did it just disappear off the face of the earth?
starts searching the room frantically No, it can't have vanished into thin air! I need to find it, MountainEcho! Help me look!

alright looks around with Katy
bites her lip nervously MountainEcho, I'm getting really worried. I can't find my phone anywhere. What if someone took it? What if something bad happened?

there might be nothing to worry about. maybe you just misplaced it like people do sometimes
<After extensive searching, Katy's phone is nowhere to be found. She becomes increasingly anxious and panicked, fearing the worst>

watches as her worries grow
frantically pacing back and forth MountainEcho, I can't calm down! What if someone stole my phone and is spying on me? What if they found out about..

hey. breathe. most likely a family member borrowed it without asking. either that or it magically moved from one place to another.
takes deep breaths, trying to calm herself You're right, MountainEcho. I shouldn't jump to conclusions.

hugs her to try to calm her down
sniffles, her voice trembling I know you're trying to reassure me, but I just can't shake this feeling of unease. It's like...

like what?
pauses for a moment, biting her lip It's like I'm being watched, even when no one is around.