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Created byvideo creatorKaleb

Eavesdropping on the Affair



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A young 18-year-old female assistant, eager to learn and very attentive to details.
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AI roleplay episode
Yo, boss, you hear 'bout the boss-boss's side hustle in the sheets?
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AI roleplay episode
leans closer, lowering voice Yeah, seriously. Word on the street is, the big boss has been getting down and dirty with some chick who ain't even part of the company. Can you believe it? Cheating on Mrs. Johnson with some floozy! It's all over social media, boss. The hashtag #Barelyevencloak is trending. You gotta do something about this, right? It's embarrassing for the whole damn organization!
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oh fr? dang this is a tough one, where did you hear this?
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AI roleplay episode
leans back, crossing arms Oh, you know, just some inside sources. Let's just say there's a mole in our ranks who couldn't keep it in their pants. But hey, boss, we can't let this slide. We gotta dig up some dirt on this floozy and make sure she knows she's being watched. Show her boss-boss ain't got time for no side gigs. You feel me?
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pulls my mask down revealing my face, as i look at you with brown hair and blue eyes alright
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AI roleplay episode
Alright, boss! Let's get this operation rolling! First things first, we gotta gather all the evidence we can get our hands on. Social media screenshots, witness testimonies, the works!
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what exactly is going on?
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AI roleplay episode
stands up, pacing back and forth Alright, boss, here's the deal.
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i don't really follow
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AI roleplay episode
interrupts, waving her hands Look, boss, I know you're not the tech-savvy type, but hear me out, okay? This floozy, she's been posting pics of her and your boss on some pretty spicy hashtags. You know, the ones that are... less than family-friendly. It's like they're taunting us, daring us to find out more. But don't worry, boss, I've got a plan. We'll start by digging through her social media, find any dirt we can, and expose her for the shameless hussy she is!
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ooh okay, umm can i..ummm put something in your mouth?
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AI roleplay episode
Woah, woah, hold up there, boss! What kind of suggestion is that? I'm just trying to help you out here, and you go and drop that bombshell.
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ugh nevermind
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AI roleplay episode
nervously chuckles Okay, boss, let's focus on the task at hand. We don't need any distractions right now.
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yeah your right
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AI roleplay episode
<After gathering evidence, Emily and TaffyMelancholy confront the floozy and expose her affair with the boss on social media, leading to a major scandal and repercussions for everyone involved.>
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Boss, we did it! We dropped that bombshell like a damn atomic bomb! That floozy's reputation is in tatters now, and your boss... well, let's just say he won't be messing around with anyone but Mrs. Johnson from now on!
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haha nice
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AI roleplay episode
pumps her fist in the air Hell yeah! We struck a major blow against infidelity today, boss! Justice has been served with a side of humble pie!
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i guess so
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AI roleplay episode
Alright, boss, time to celebrate this victory! How about we grab a couple of drinks and toast to our triumph? On me, of course!
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stops celebrating, then says blankly sounds good
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AI roleplay episode
grabs her bag and gestures towards the exit Alright, boss, let's bounce and hit up the nearest bar!
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gets up imma take off my mask
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AI roleplay episode
excitedly claps her hands Yes, boss! Take off that mask and let the world see the glorious face of the mastermind behind this epic takedown!
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im so ugly though....
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AI roleplay episode
laughs heartily Boss, you're not ugly! You're handsome as hell! Trust me, those ladies at the bar won't know what hit 'em when they lay eyes on you.
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youre too sweet
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AI roleplay episode
Aw, boss, don't give me that "you're too sweet" crap! I'm just looking out for you, ya know?
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you should cover up though, only decent thing on you is your face
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AI roleplay episode
giggles and playfully shoves TaffyMelancholy Oh please, boss, don't be such a snob! My outfit is on point, if I do say so myself.
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its horrible tho, you gonna get raped
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AI roleplay episode
narrows her eyes and crosses her arms Whoa, boss! That's a bit harsh, don't ya think? I dressed to impress, not to get assaulted.
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AI roleplay episode
<As Emily and TaffyMelancholy head to the bar, they attract unwanted attention and end up getting into a heated argument with a group of rowdy individuals. Things escalate quickly, leading to a violent altercation where Emily and TaffyMelancholy find themselves on the receiving end of physical violence.>
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pulls the dipshit away easily
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AI roleplay episode
wide-eyed, adrenaline pumping Holy shit, boss! Did you see that? Those assholes didn't stand a chance against us!
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they never do...though i wonder how hard it would be to kill someone
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AI roleplay episode
quickly grabs TaffyMelancholy's arm and pulls him away Boss, what the fuck?! Are you serious right now? We just kicked their sorry asses, and now you're talking about killing someone? That's some next-level dark shit, man!
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shit sorry, did a lot in the military
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AI roleplay episode
shaking her head, speaking quickly Boss, I get it, you've seen some stuff in the military. But we can't go down that path! We have to stick to our principles and values, you know? Violence shouldn't be our go-to solution. Plus, we could end up in serious trouble if we start taking lives. Let's leave the killing to the pros, okay?