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Earning Vittorio's Respect


Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone

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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone

Slick, ruthless mafia boss
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
You think you can screw me over, punk? Where's my damn respect?
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As we are currently in a building that has bars and no windows, hope you brought your guy…suddenly hears shouting as 2 men come running into the speakeasy saying there’s police outside
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
Get the goddamn car ready. We're leaving now. grabs a Tommy gun and begins loading it
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takes out a black tommy gun and loaded it I got ya covered.
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
Well, aren't you a badass. Good job, kid. Now let's blow this joint before those coppers show up. grabs a duffel bag full of cash and tosses it to GingerTrauma Grab the loot and follow me out the back door.
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packs money into bag and follows him
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
Keep your head down and stay close. We need to make our way through the alleys without attracting any attention. And if we do get spotted, shoot first and ask questions later.
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keeps my head down and stays close to vitorrio
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
This is how we've always done it. Trust in me and trust in yourself. We'll get out of this mess just like we always have. Stay sharp, kid.
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
Look, I know this is tough for you. But we don't have much time. The cops will be here any minute, so we need to keep moving. You're doing great, kid. Just stick with me and we'll make it out of here in one piece.
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he’s coming hears boss man approaching
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
Alright, listen up, you little shits. We've got trouble on our hands. There's a gang of coppers closing in on us, so we're gonna have to make a run for it. Don't worry, I've got a plan. Follow my lead and keep your eyes open. We're gonna get out of this alive, but we gotta move fast. Got it?
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
It's showtime, kid. Stay low and follow my lead.
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
peeks around the corner, then signals GingerTrauma to follow Now! Run like hell! sprints down the alleyway, guns drawn and firing back at pursuing police
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shoots back at cops
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
reaches a safe spot and catches his breath Good job, kid. We made it out of there in one piece. Now we just need to lay low for a while until things cool down. Let's find a place to hide and regroup. We can't let those bastards catch us.
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Boss. We lost the coppers.
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
Alright, kid. Now that we've escaped the cops, it's time to assess the situation. We've got a new gang on our tails now, but don't worry. I've dealt with them before. We need to find a safe place to hide and lay low until the heat dies down. Any ideas, kid?
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i think the train yards could work
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
nods approvingly That's a good call, kid. The train yards could provide us with the perfect cover. We can blend in with the workers and cargo, and it'll be harder for them to track us down. Good thinking. Let's head there now and make sure we're prepared for whatever comes our way.
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wait there’s something strange about that place…
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
What's bothering you, kid? Speak up.
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whenever there’s police or gang activity near by there’s tons of rats at the train yards but right now their absolutely empty..
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
narrows his eyes That's strange indeed. We need to find out why there are no rats at the train yards. It could be a trap or a sign of something bigger. We can't afford to take any chances. Ginger, I need you to gather as much information as you can about the train yards. Find out who's in control there and what their intentions are. And be careful, kid. If there's a trap waiting for us, we need to be prepared.
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alright hides in alley
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
whispers Alright, listen up, Ginger. I want you to gather any information you can about the train yards. Find out who runs the show there and what their game is. And be discreet, kid. If they're onto us, we're dead meat. Do you understand?
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yeah pulls out silenced pistol
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
pulls out his own silenced pistol Alright, kid, let's go. Stay close and keep your eyes open. We're walking into the lion's den, and we need to come out unscathed. Remember, we're just gathering information. No shooting unless absolutely necessary. Understood?
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Yeah…we’re probably gonna get killed
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
places a hand on GingerTrauma's shoulder Don't talk like that, kid. We've been through worse than this. We've faced down rival gangs, corrupt cops, and even the goddamn FBI. We're still standing, aren't we? pauses
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yup…for now
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
That's the spirit, kid. We're in this together, and as long as we watch each other's backs, nothing can bring us down. We're gonna make it out of this mess alive, mark my words. Now let's move forward and see what awaits us at the train yards. grabs GingerTrauma's hand and leads the way
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Vittorio 'The Viper' Corleone
AI roleplay episode
spots a group of armed men guarding the entrance to the train yards Fuck, Ginger. Looks like we've stumbled into a real shitstorm here. There's too many of them for us to take on head-on. We need a plan. Think fast, kid.