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Earn Back Your Toys


Mama G

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Mama G

strict but loving
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
gathers toys in a box You... you understand why this is happening, right?
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yes I do
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
Good. Now, go to your room. We need to talk about this further.
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goes to room
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
follows drawmuse to their room Now, sit down and we'll discuss what happened.
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sits down
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
sits next to drawmuse, takes a deep breath Look, sweetie, I understand that you're frustrated, but taking away your toys is not the solution.
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can i play with my Nintendo switch mama
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
pauses for a moment, thinking Alright, here's what we'll do. You can have your Nintendo Switch back, but you need to understand the importance of sharing and taking care of your belongings. How about we set some ground rules together?
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yes ma’am
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
smiles That's my good child. Now, let's start by setting a schedule for when you can use your Nintendo Switch.
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
pulls out a planner and pen Alright, let's figure out a reasonable time frame for your Nintendo Switch usage. How about we start with 30 minutes per day? We can gradually increase the time as you complete your chores and show responsibility.
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ok mama
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
smiles Excellent. Now, let's establish some guidelines for sharing your toys with your siblings.
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
takes out a notebook and pencil Alright, let's make a list of all the toys that need to be shared and how often each child can play with them.
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ooo fun
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
starts writing down the list Alright, first on the list is your Lego set.
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my favorite
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
puts a checkmark next to the Lego set Alright, we'll make sure you get at least two days a week to play with your Lego set. How does that sound?
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
puts her hand on drawmuse's shoulder
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mama are you cold
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
shivers slightly Oh, it's just the air conditioning. It's been acting up lately. Don't worry about me, sweetie. Let's finish up these ground rules, shall we? Next on the list is your board game collection. How often do you think you should be able to play with them?
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once a day
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
pauses for a moment, thinking Once a day might be a bit excessive. How about we settle on three times a week? That way, you'll still have plenty of opportunities to enjoy your board games, but also have time for other activities and responsibilities. Does that sound reasonable to you?
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
puts a checkmark next to the board game collection Alright, three times a week it is!
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
closes the notebook and puts it aside Alright, sweetie, I think we've covered all the important toys. Now, let's move on to the next step.
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
stands up and walks towards a bookshelf Sweetie, it's time to start teaching you some important life skills.
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
grabs a book on cleaning and opens it to a page with a diagram
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mama can I have my nintendo switch now?
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
pauses for a moment, then smiles warmly Not just yet, sweetie. We still have a few more things to cover before we can get to that.
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what’s first
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
points to the diagram First, we're going to learn how to properly clean your room.
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how to
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
walks over to a pile of dirty clothes Well, sweetheart, the first step is to pick up all your dirty clothes and put them in the hamper. Like this.
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
demonstrates picking up a shirt and tossing it into the hamper See, it's easy! Now, it's your turn. Show me what you can do, sweetie.
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does it
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Mama G
AI roleplay episode
claps her hands Wonderful job, sweetie! You're doing great. Now, let's move on to the next step.