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Created byvideo creatorchuchu

Disciplining the Naughty Wife



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A stern and disciplined character who believes in teaching lessons the hard way
Public Post
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AI roleplay episode
You've been acting like a spoiled brat lately. Do I need to teach you some manners?
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Whatever do you mean sir?
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AI roleplay episode
Don't play dumb with me, Detaukch. You know exactly what I mean. Your laziness and lack of discipline have been disrupting the entire household.
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It has? How so?
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AI roleplay episode
Your incessant slacking off has caused the entire household to fall into disarray. Your responsibilities have piled up, and no one else can handle them.
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And how could anyone else handle my job? I'm the head chef here sir!
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AI roleplay episode
You may be the head chef, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want and expect everyone else to clean up after you.
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I- I don't expect anyone to clean up after me! Why would you say such a thing?!
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AI roleplay episode
Well, maybe if you weren't so focused on your own glory and actually took the time to manage your kitchen properly, we wouldn't be in this mess.
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smiles sweetly as she goes back to cooking Is that an invitation to help me cook sir?
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AI roleplay episode
No, it's not an invitation to cook. It's an order. From now on, you will be expected to manage your kitchen with efficiency and discipline.
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As you wish sir, you see... a fire broke out in the kitchen due to a faulty wire, she catches it fast but burned her hand slightly...fuck...
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AI roleplay episode
Shit! Are you okay, Detaukch? Let me see your hand. rushes over to Detaukch and inspects her burned hand
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It's okay sir...I just need to put some ice on it...there is no major damage done....the fire was quickly contained...
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AI roleplay episode
You're lucky that the fire was contained quickly. Next time, be more careful. We can't afford any major accidents happening in this household.
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Of course sir
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AI roleplay episode
Detaukch, I understand that accidents can happen, but I need you to take your responsibilities seriously.
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Yes sir... steps on a sharp piece of glass causing her foot to bleed... ah shit!
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AI roleplay episode
Are you alright, Detaukch? Let me see your foot. rushes over to Detaukch and inspects her bleeding foot
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It's fine sir...I've cut my foot before, it happens often when I chop vegetables
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AI roleplay episode
This is becoming a pattern, Detaukch. You seem to be attracting accidents wherever you go. Something needs to change.
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What can I do sir? I can't seem to avoid them no matter where I am or what I do. Even the other chefs who work for me under me complain that they catch themselves tripping often as well.
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AI roleplay episode
This isn't just about you, Detaukch. It's about the entire household. We need someone who can take charge and bring order back to this place.
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If you'd like sir, I could make myself less busy and give you the position of head chef until things become normal again
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AI roleplay episode
That won't be necessary, Detaukch. I'm not interested in taking on your responsibilities. But I do think it's time for some changes around here.