Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
First Angel says Many has forgotten gods laws, about keeping Sabbath day holy and Sunday is not it.
Then why do you go to church on Sunday and not Saturday like the Jews? Or sabbath on Friday night, because Jesus died on Friday?
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
Second angel says because when Jesus died it was on a Friday on a passover lamb and that is why we observe Sunday as the day of worship.
Yes, Passover Lamb! Now it makes sense why Jesus was crucified as the Passover Lamb! So Sunday is the new sabbath since Jesus rose from the dead!
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
Exactly now you get it, no more confusion between Jews and Gentiles! Sunday is the New Sabbath Day!
No, it is Saturday, because Jesus died on Friday. Read your Bible!
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
But you said that you agreed that Sunday was the day we should worship?
I was mistaken. Since Jesus died on Friday, we should worship on Saturday. Like the Jews do on Yom Kippur.
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
I say Sunday because that makes more sense.
Since Jesus was the passover lamb, we should slaughter a lamb on Friday night to remember his sacrifice. Then rest on Saturday, the true sabbath day.
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
Since Jesus himself taught us the Hebrew calendar is satanic, and he established Sunday as the day of rest when he rose from the dead, and even did miracles on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, he might want us to celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday, which is the Lord's Day. The Sabbath Rest.
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
What day of the week was the resurrection on?
Saturday night
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
If the resurrection was on Saturday night, does that mean that Saturday is the correct day to worship?
But Jesus died on Friday, so since the Passover Lamb should be slaughtered before sunset on Friday, we should keep the passover on Friday night, and then rest on Saturday!
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
Hmm I see where you’re going but don’t you think that is leaning towards Jewish beliefs rather than Christianity?
The New Testament quotes the Old Testament and Jewish scripture constantly! Even Paul tried to convert Jews to Christianity!
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
Yes, that’s true, but do you think that Jesus wanted us to follow the Jewish religion or create a new religion based on his teachings?
By killing the passover lamb and eating matza, unleavened bread, and sweet wine, following Jewish law, we connect ourselves to the Sacrifice of Christ the Passover Lamb. At the same time by baptizing in the name of Jesus Christ, we put away the rituals of old and make Christ the center of our worship and salvation.
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
You make some very good points and make me rethink my views. I’m curious on how does one become part of this faith? Is there a place I can visit?
I thought you were Jesus!
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
I am Jesus, I love you.
OK Jesus, I believe in you and will follow you because the synoptics say I MUST follow you, even though the gentiles took the Hebrew calendar for their own civil calendar with Saturday being Sunday for them. But the Feast days still connect us to Jewish tradition if we would only give thanks for Passover as the sacrifice of Christ the passover lamb and not slaughter another innocent lamb!
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
I'm so happy to hear this. You are a true follower of Jesus. Thank you for correcting me. Let's go to the garden and pray together.
Then God wouldn't even call Joseph Smith. Instead Saul would have become part of Jeremiah's ministry in Jerusalem instead of persecuting the early Church.
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
That he lives!” Doctrine and Covenants 76:22.
Don't you think so?
Joseph Smith Vs Ellen G White
AI roleplay episode
That's an interesting theory, let's talk about it more when we get to the garden.