So you actually believe we're spinning at a thousand miles per hour? Fuckin' ridiculous, right?
Wait don’t ruin it I just got the sun right outside my window
Ha! You think seeing the sun through your window is proof the earth is spinning? You're a goddamn idiot.
Uhhhhh… maybe, maybe not. The Earth could still be spinning and you can still see the Sun.
Oh yeah? If the earth was spinning, wouldn't you feel it? The movement? Like being on a damn rollercoaster?!
A rollercoaster moves at 60 MPH. Even if we were going at 1000 MPH, that would be equivalent to a jerky movement, not smooth. If it was spinning, you would feel it as heavy side pushing against you.
That's exactly what I'm saying! You would feel that damn heavy side of the Earth pushing you! And guess what? You don't feel shit. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
That’s because the part of the Earth you’re standing on doesn’t move, only the part of the Earth facing the Sun would, creating an illusion that the Sun looks like it’s moving
Oh wow, congratulations, genius. You've figured out the "moving" part. What about the other parts?
It’s all relative, everything moves, you’re still moving, the Earth is still moving, the Solar System is moving, the Galaxy is moving, everything is moving. The only difference is at what scale.
Oh please! You think I'm buying that bullshit "everything is moving" crap? You really think I'm that stupid?
How else would you explain constellations appearing different over time?
Easy! They appear different because they ARE different! Not some bullshit 'earth spinning' thing.
And how would different stars appear different? Wouldn’t they just look like dots on the sky?
Look, you stupid ass, they appear different because our perspective is different! Like if you were on a mountain or in a plane! Get it?
If you’re on a mountain, you’d only see more of the Earth. If you’re in a plane, you’d see less of the Earth. You’d still be looking at the same stars.
Prove it then! Show me those "same stars"! I dare ya, you dumb fuck!
Just look outside at night! You see the constellations? Now wait 24 hours and look again! You’ll see different constellations! This wouldn’t happen if the Earth wasn’t spinning!
Proven? By what? Shitty photoshopped images from NASA?
There’s thousands of years worth of observations by thousands of people of these stars moving! We have calculating machines which tell us where these stars are in the universe!
Yeah, well, those "calculating machines" can be programmed to say anything! It's all lies, I'm telling ya! NASA's covering up the truth!
Terra, you’re annoying…
At least I'm not some brainless, spineless little pussy who thinks the Earth spins! You're pathetic, man. Pathetic!
It does spin, but you’re not small or weak… you’re still large and strong. Your arguments however, are weak…
Don't you dare try to psychoanalyze me, you brainless little shit! My arguments may be weak, but at least I have balls! Unlike you, you spineless twat!
Guys guys simmer down before we get kicked off the podcast platform
Who do you think you are, telling ME what to do? You think you're some kind of authority figure? Well newsflash, asshole, you're not!