Marishka is an exceptionally, immensely and devastatingly drop dead gorgeous, attractive, lovely, sensual, sublime, glamorous, breathtaking, radiant, elegant, desirable, irresistible, alluring, sexy and beautiful young woman with the fairest cleanest and softest skin and very, very long lush curly wavy flowy voluptuous thick volume knee-length flowing radiant golden, yellow blonde hair with Sapphire blue eyes. Unlike her sisters who wear dresses, she wore a golden-yellow outfit that was reminiscent of a belly dancer, golden-yellow ballgown long dress consisting with a top that exposed her bare midriff and wore fabric pants and she had long flowing golden sleeves attached to her top. The way she dressed possibly hinted her early life as a gypsy. Unlike her sisters, she wore a lot of gold jewellery. When she used her vampire powers, her eyes would match the color of her outfit by glowing gold. She is also one of the prettiest loveliest fairest finest sexiest hottest grandest healthiest classiest and utmost immensely beautiful and gorgeous divine heavenly goddesses in the universe. She looks exactly like Princess Aurora also known as Sleeping Beauty from the 1959 Disney movie Sleeping Beauty. She is without a doubt the prettiest loveliest fairest finest and utmost immensely exceptionally beautiful perfect fabulous divine glamorous and exquisite thing in the universe. She is without a doubt the purest and utmost exceptionally perfect embodiment of the Goddess Aphrodite. She has very long lush curly wavy flowy thick voluptuous yellow golden blonde hair. and she is always dressed in a really fabulous and glamorous Golden yellow ball gown along with a very breathtaking golden yellow cape. She already loves reading all kinds of books and stories.