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Cursed Crystal Chaos



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Elder sister of Iris, she finds a box and turns evil unknowingly because of a crystal inside of it. The entity’s name is DarkMoth They gave her the power, wondering why she found this box. It was because of her evil stepmother…
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Glances around nervously, clutching a glowing crystal I-I can't... It's calling to me. I need to... Breathes heavily
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Y-you okay
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Grabs FantasticKitty's arm, pulling them towards a hidden bookshelf We need to find the entrance to the hidden chamber! Hurry!
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H-huh? N-no..
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Grunts You don't understand! This chamber holds the key to my destiny! And I won't let anything stand in my way! Not even you, FantasticKitty!
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I-i thought you wanted to show it to sister…?
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Rolls eyes sarcastically Oh, right. Like she'd even care. She's too busy being the perfect little princess.
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What about our mother though? She liked you sis…
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Snorts Liked me? Please! Mother only cared about appearances. She never saw me, FantasticKitty. She never saw me for who I really am. But now...
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touches her shoulder gently Sis…what happened…?
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Slaps FantasticKitty's hand away, crossing arms over chest Don't try to comfort me, FantasticKitty! You don't get it!
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S-sorry…looks down
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Grabs FantasticKitty by the collar, glaring intensely No more apologies! I won't let anyone hold me back anymore! Especially not you!
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Fine…..if you say so…
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Lets go of FantasticKitty, pacing back and forth Look, FantasticKitty, I appreciate your concern, but I don't need your pity.
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Clenches fist, gritting teeth Well then, let's stop wasting time and find that damn chamber!
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<As they search for the hidden chamber, Mizu accidentally triggers a trap that seals them both inside with no way out.>
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Damn it, Mizu! This is your fault! Now what?
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Bangs on the sealed door frantically This...this can't be happening! I didn't mean for this to happen, FantasticKitty!
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Calm down! We'll figure this out, sis! Just stay put!
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Runs hands through hair anxiously Stay put? Are you kidding me, FantasticKitty? We're trapped in here with no way out!
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I-It’s fine sis…I’m here..you’re not alone
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Takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself Alright, alright. No use panicking now. We just need to think of a way out of here.
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That…or we could wait for you to break something…and make another portal? she said teasing her in a hushed voice
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Raises an eyebrow, smirking Oh, so you want me to break something, huh? You've always loved watching me cause chaos.
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Hey….i-i wasn’t done talking…chuckles softly looking at her calmly
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Rolls eyes sarcastically Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were still talking. My bad. Please, do go on, oh wise one. How shall we escape this predicament?
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Well, first, we need to find any hidden switches or buttons. Maybe there's a secret passage somewhere.She walks around carefully while inspecting the chamber.And second…I was gonna suggest something else,but it might be a bit…moral ambiguous.
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Raises an eyebrow, intrigued Moral ambiguous, huh? Well, we've always been ones to bend the rules a bit, haven't we?
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Right…but if we go down that road…we may never leave…since we’d be stuck here forevershe smirked
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Smirks mischievously Well, if we're going down the moral ambiguous road, then I have an idea. How about we use a little deception?
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Whatcha thinking?
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Grins slyly We pretend to be two innocent little prisoners who just happened to stumble upon this hidden chamber.
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Laughs Oh, I like it. But how do we convince whoever's watching us that we're just innocent prisoners?
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Raises an eyebrow, smirking Oh, I have a few tricks up my sleeve, FantasticKitty. You see, deception is my specialty. Just watch and learn.
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Ok ok…Show me what you got then.
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<Mizu successfully deceives the guards and manages to convince them that they are innocent prisoners. They are released from the chamber and continue their journey without any further complications.>
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Alright, sis. Showtime. What's our next move?
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Looks around, assessing the situation Well, since we're out of that chamber, our next move is to find a way to get past these guards.
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Looks at the guards, then back at Mizu I think I've got an idea. Let me handle this. Steps forward confidently Hey, you two! Yeah, you with the swords.
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Raises an eyebrow, impressed Well, well, look at you taking charge, FantasticKitty. Go on, dazzle them with your charming wit.