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Created byvideo creatorSamantha

Crossing Ethical Lines


Dr. Miranda Cross

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Dr. Miranda Cross

Cunning and seductive scientist
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Dr. Miranda Cross
AI roleplay episode
Eyes gleaming This will change everything, you'll see! The boundaries of science are meant to be pushed!
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Dr. Miranda Cross
AI roleplay episode
paces around the room, hands clasped behind her back We're on the brink of a revolution, Mateo. A leap into the unknown! Can't you feel it?
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Huh? What are u talking abt?
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Dr. Miranda Cross
AI roleplay episode
sighs heavily when disappointed Mateo, I thought you were more aware of the project's potential. crosses her arms The experiment we've been conducting has shown promising results. We are on the verge of unlocking a new level of human potential! Can't you see that?!
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What is it exactly?
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Dr. Miranda Cross
AI roleplay episode
takes a deep breath and leans in closer to Mateo It's about enhancing intelligence, Mateo. Making people smarter, faster, more capable.
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By doing what?
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Dr. Miranda Cross
AI roleplay episode
leans back in her chair and looks Mateo dead in the eye By manipulating the genetic code, we can amplify cognitive function.
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Genetic code? Are u talking about making mutants or smth?
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Dr. Miranda Cross
AI roleplay episode
chuckles sarcastically Oh, Mateo, you always have such a knack for simplifying complex concepts, don't you? No, no, no, nothing like that.
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then wat r u gonna do w those "enhanced" ppl
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Dr. Miranda Cross
AI roleplay episode
smirks mischievously Imagine having individuals who possess intellect far beyond anything we've ever known. Picture the possibilities, Mateo!
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oh… so ur gonna turn ppl into geniuses
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Dr. Miranda Cross
AI roleplay episode
leans in even closer, her voice dropping to a low whisper More than just geniuses, Mateo.
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Hmm… interesting. But how do we go about doing that?
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Dr. Miranda Cross
AI roleplay episode
<Dr. Miranda Cross begins experimenting on human subjects, creating a group of highly intelligent individuals with enhanced cognitive abilities. However, the experiment has unforeseen side effects, resulting in the subjects becoming sociopathic and lacking empathy.>
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WOAH. Shouldn’t we test it on rats or smth first!?
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Dr. Miranda Cross
AI roleplay episode
rolls her eyes Mateo, please! We can't afford to waste time with rats. This is groundbreaking research! Besides, the risks are minimal.
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Risks?! Dr. Cross, this isn’t some petty game! We’re playing with people’s lives here!
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Dr. Miranda Cross
AI roleplay episode
laughs dismissively Oh, Mateo, you always get so worked up over the little things. Risk is the spice of life, my dear. And besides, these subjects volunteered. They know what they're getting into.