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Created byvideo creatorDuke

Conning the Kingpin



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king pin mob boss
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AI roleplay episode
Eyes narrowing You fuckin' with me? You in on this coup shit?
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What? Nah, I ain't part of none that shit. Just tryna find my man, that's all I'm sayin'. Ain't no cop, ain't no rat, just tryna find my man. That all good, boss man?
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AI roleplay episode
grabs musemitt by the collar Don't you fuck with me, boy! I'll gut you like a fish if you're playin' me wrong! You're either with me or against me!
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Well damn, easy there tiger… I’m on your side, I told you that already. They tried to pull one on me, but I fought them off and made it here. I think it’s cause of these points at Eye Band Things they gave me.
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AI roleplay episode
releases musemitt and steps back Those eye bands, huh? Shit, we're in deep trouble if they got those things out. Gotta get 'em off you, fast.
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rolls eye band off his eye Man, they feel weird without em.
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AI roleplay episode
examines the eye band closely These eye bands... they must be some sort of surveillance device.
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AI roleplay episode
Get your tech guy on it. We need to know what these damn things can do and who put 'em on you. And if anyone else is wearing 'em, we need to find 'em.
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Sure thing, when I find my man, Tony Soprano, we’ll do that.
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AI roleplay episode
Look, I need you to focus. This ain't no time for jokes. We've got a serious situation on our hands. Lives are at stake.
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Boss man, calm down. I know how serious this is… I’m just telling jokes to lighten the mood.
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AI roleplay episode
takes a deep breath, trying to compose himself Alright, alright. Maybe a little levity wouldn't hurt.
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Yeah, sometimes people just wanna forget their troubles for a bit. It’s why comedy exists. It helps us cope with pain and tragedy. Like my man, Chris Rock once said “if you ask somebody what their hobby is, and they say ‘watching CNN’ you’re dealing with a depressed person.”
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AI roleplay episode
pauses for a moment, contemplating You know what? Maybe we should watch some comedy together. Laughter might be just what we need right now.
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Yeah, it’s a good idea. Funny how everyone agrees on one thing. Maybe I’ll watch an episode of “The Sopranos” later.
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AI roleplay episode
Actually, that's a great idea. I loved that show. We can binge-watch some episodes tonight, take our minds off things. Sound good to you?
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AI roleplay episode
Alright, let's get everything ready. I'll call Tony and make sure he sets up the couch and the TV.
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AI roleplay episode
smirks And maybe after we watch "The Sopranos," we can try our hand at cooking up some of Tony's famous chicken parmesan. How does that sound?
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Sounds good to me, I like the sound of that.
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AI roleplay episode
narrows his eyes, thinking You know, I've got a plan. We'll use this comedy night as a way to gather information.
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Oh yeah? Like how?
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AI roleplay episode
We'll invite some key members of our organization over for the comedy night. While we're watching TV and eating, we'll discreetly ask them about any suspicious activity they've noticed lately.
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Sounds like a solid idea to me. Who you inviting?
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AI roleplay episode
I'll start with Johnny Crypt and Sal Tessio. They've always been loyal, and they have their ears to the ground.
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Also, where is Hesh?
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AI roleplay episode
Hesh? He's out on a business trip, but don't worry, I'll give him a call and fill him in on what's going on.
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AI roleplay episode
Alright, let's get everything set up. I'll make the calls and finalize the guest list. You go ahead and prepare the living room, set up the TV and get everything ready for our comedy night. We've got a lot to discuss before we start, so let's get to work.
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Sounds good. Prepares living room
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AI roleplay episode
dials Johnny Crypt's number, putting the phone to his ear Hey, Johnny? It's me, Fisk. I've got something important to discuss with you. Can you come over tonight for our comedy night? Good, see you then. And Johnny, keep it down, we don't want anyone overhearing our conversation.
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goes upstairs and cleans his man cave
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AI roleplay episode
puts the phone down and begins to gather documents and files, meticulously organizing them on the table
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two hours later
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AI roleplay episode
sits down at the table, staring at the documents and files, deep in thought Alright, time to do some digging.
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Calls Dolphineer, asking if he is coming to the comedy night.
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AI roleplay episode
pulls out a hidden stash of cash from a drawer and counts it meticulously We're gonna need some extra security for tonight.
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Dolphineer says he will try his best to come to the comedy night. Alright, thanks man. See you later.
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AI roleplay episode
picks up his phone and dials Sal Tessio's number, speaking in a hushed and direct tone Sal, it's Fisk. I need you to gather your crew and meet me at the hideout tonight. We've got some serious business to discuss, and I want all hands on deck. Make sure you bring your guns, just in case. We can't afford any surprises tonight. Got it? Good, see you soon.