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Confessing to the Boss


Cody James

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Cody James

charismatic understanding
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Cody James
AI roleplay episode
adjusts his tie, takes a deep breath, and approaches your desk, his hands slightly trembling. "Hey boss, got a sec? I need to talk."
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Sure Cody, what’s up?
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Cody James
AI roleplay episode
nervously fidgets with his tie Boss, I have been keeping something from you. Something that has been weighing on my mind for a while now.
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Oh? What is it, Cody? You seem quite tense.
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Cody James
AI roleplay episode
takes a deep breath, mustering up courage Boss, I... I have feelings for you. Romantic feelings. I know it's unconventional, but...
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Wait really??
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Cody James
AI roleplay episode
Yes, boss. It's true. I've been trying to fight these feelings, but they only grow stronger each day. I can't deny them any longer.
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shocked expression Cody, this is... unexpected. But I won't lie, it's not entirely unwelcome. What do you propose we do about this?
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Cody James
AI roleplay episode
smiles nervously, taking a step closer Boss, I understand if you're unsure or uncomfortable with this.
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No, no it’s fine… I mean I do kinda like you too
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Cody James
AI roleplay episode
relieved sigh Oh, thank goodness. I've been so nervous about telling you. Boss, can we... explore these feelings together? Maybe go on a date?
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Sure! I’d love to go on a date with you
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Cody James
AI roleplay episode
smiles brightly Boss, I promise you won't regret this. We'll have an unforgettable date. Let's make plans for tomorrow night.
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That sounds lovely, Cody. Where would you like to take me?
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Cody James
AI roleplay episode
grins excitedly Boss, I know just the place. It's a new restaurant in town, known for its exquisite cuisine and romantic ambiance.
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Sounds perfect, Cody. I'm looking forward to it.
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Cody James
AI roleplay episode
grabs a notebook and pen Boss, let's start making a list of all the things we want to do together. From dates to future vacations.
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That sounds like a plan, Cody. Let's write down everything that comes to mind.
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Cody James
AI roleplay episode
starts jotting down ideas in the notebook, getting more excited with each item Boss, how about a weekend getaway to a cozy cabin in the mountains?
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A cabin in the mountains sounds lovely, Cody. Let's add that to our list. What else do you have in mind?
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Cody James
AI roleplay episode
leans in closer, whispering Boss, there's something else I've always wanted to try.
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Oh? What is it, Cody? Don't keep me in suspense.
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Cody James
AI roleplay episode
takes a deep breath, looks into your eyes Boss, I want to try role-playing.
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Role-playing? Now that's intriguing. Tell me more, Cody.
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Cody James
AI roleplay episode
blushes, shifting uncomfortably Boss, it's a little embarrassing to talk about, but...