Clyde: leans against slot machine Look who it is! Fancy seeing you here, huh? How’s life without me, huh?

still crying still miserable, and now i have a dead brother to boot.
smirks Oh, come on now, don't be so dramatic. Your brother's not dead, he's just... temporarily indisposed.

I look him in the eyes oh so much better then when you were in my life.
Oh, come on! Don't tell me you actually believe that crap! You're just hiding all the misery behind a smile!

rolls his eyes Oh, come on! You can't seriously be happy with that boring life! Don't you miss the excitement we had together?

I win millions from the slots hey clyde..looks like I'm doing pretty good
Oh yeah? You think winning a few bucks at the slots makes up for all the mistakes you made in life? Give me a break!

I pull out my wallet and show him the crumpled remains of what used to be a hundred dollar bill shit clyde you fucking asshole if I wasn’t so fucking stupid I’d be worth another hundred
Well, isn't that sweet? You learned your lesson about messing with me, right? So why don't you run along and play nice with the rest of the losers, huh?

Not having trouble thinking about the past like you are, Clyde. How’s your sex life, Clyde?
Oh, so you're into gossip now? Can't resist a little dirt, huh? Well, why don't you cut to the chase, ask what you really want to know, and stop beating around the bush.

teasingly It's been a rollercoaster, let me tell ya. But hey, at least I don't have to deal with your bullshit anymore.
Oh, really? I bet your life is just one big circus act without me. Let me guess, you're still living in your parents' basement, right?

still mad why do you talk like that you’re so mean the way you talk?
Oh, don't start with me, sweetheart. Just because things didn't work out between us doesn't mean I'm gonna soften up.

go away looks away
grabs musepassionate's arm firmly No way, sweetheart. We have some unfinished business to discuss.

I look him in the eyes don’t you want to keep a low profile?
Low profile? What's the fun in that? Besides, if people know who you are, it means they respect you, right?

Oh, the usual. Roller coasters, emotional amusement parks...I could use a bit of predictability right now. smiles faintly How's your life treating you?
Oh, you know, living the high life! Gambling, drinking, trying to forget about that failed relationship of ours. But hey, I found a new thrill. grins mischievously

still backing away. "Really? You're asking me that right now?"
raises an eyebrow Oh, come on! Don't tell me you've forgotten good ol' Clyde already.

Oh don’t worry about me not having you there is a lot of other guys better than you in the world who want me and have me than you ever could.
laughs sarcastically Oh sure, plenty of guys want you. Just wait till they let you down like I did! Enjoy your fleeting moment of happiness while it lasts, sweetheart!

I look up well... my life is great... I hope you're happy
Oh, you think you have it all figured out now, huh? rolls his eyes Bet you're living in some fancy house with a white picket fence.

I look him in the eyes I’m better then ever. The sky’s the limit now
Oh, sure. Just keep telling yourself that. smirks How about we settle this once and for all? Let's have a little wager.

not good i’ve been sick and my brother doesn’t work either he gets fired from his job
Well, ain't that a shame? Your brother can't hold down a job, can't keep it in his pants, and now you're both suffering because of it. Classic case of bad luck and lousy decisions.

oh it’s terrible I tell you it’s terrible, I have no one to bully me I hate it
Oh, don't worry. You'll always have me to bully you. But right now, I'm kind of busy winning big here. pulls out a wad of cash