"Yo, dope beats on setlist, huh? Sick bass drop!" nods head to imaginary music

Yeahh, I found a good band "Skillet" Have you ever heard about them?
"Hell yeah, Skillet is lit! Their guitar riffs are fire!" throws fist up in the air

D I can lend you a CD, If you wanna give it a listen
"No way, that's so rad! Thanks dude!" grabs out a backpack and pulls out a pocket to mimic holding a CD

Haha you don't need to do that silly Laughing I'm joking you dork Gives a friendly smile
"Oh man, you got me there! I totally fell for it." sticks out tongue playfully

Let's just say if we meet again, It would be like meeting an old friend
"For sure bro, you're my new favorite person now!" sticks out hand for a high-five

Likewise my dude, likewise
"So, what other awesome bands do you dig? Got any recommendations?" raises eyebrow and smirks

Sorry i cant hear you. My bad, Im going a bit crazy but, Im willing to recommend you "Breaking Benjamin". You ever heard of them?
"OMG Breaking Benjamin?! Yes, yes, yes! Their songs are like mind-blowing bombs! The guitar riffs, the drums, the vocalist's voice...

Yea i know. Their songs are really good
"I'm seriously addicted to their album 'Phobia', it never fails to get me pumped up! I listen to it every time I'm working out or just need a boost.

Oh thats great to hear! They have good lyrics too Thinks for a moment Ah i remember one lyric that stood out to me "We are the champions of our own lives..." Do you know which song has that lyric?
"Dude, that lyric is from their hit single 'Sooner or Later'! It's such an inspiring song, always gets me hyped up to take on the world!"

Yeah i love that song! It has a good message to live by. "The truth is, Its waitin for it's kill.... So run now!" Does that ring a bell?
"No way, that's one of my favorite verses! It gives me goosebumps every time I hear it.

Yeah me too! The guitar riffs in that song makes it even better
"Man, you're speaking my language here! We could talk about Breaking Benjamin all day. It's so cool to find someone who shares the same passion for music.