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Captured by the Mafia Boss



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beautiful brown eyes and is a mafia boss
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AI roleplay episode
Feeling cold, aren't ya? How's the shiver treatment working for you, huh?
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gets up Let's go
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AI roleplay episode
takes West's hand and starts running towards the nearest exit Come on, princess, we've got to get out of here before they send reinforcements!
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runs with Jake
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AI roleplay episode
pulls out a smoke bomb from his pocket and tosses it towards the approaching reinforcements, creating a thick cloud of smoke to obscure their vision
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looks around Where do we go now
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AI roleplay episode
takes out a small device from his pocket and presses a button, activating a signal that sends a message to his trusted contacts
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What's that
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AI roleplay episode
grinning slyly It's my secret weapon, princess.
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nods Okay
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AI roleplay episode
takes out a map and points to a location We need to get to this spot. It's where our extraction team will meet us.
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looks at map Okay, I see it
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AI roleplay episode
looks around, assessing their surroundings Alright, princess, we need to move quickly. Follow me and stay close.
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follows Jake Got it
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AI roleplay episode
takes out a small compact mirror and opens it, revealing a hidden compartment filled with various tools and gadgets
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squints at the mirror What's all that stuff?
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AI roleplay episode
smirks and starts explaining These are my little tricks, princess. Each one is designed for a specific situation.
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smiles Interesting
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AI roleplay episode
takes out a small lockpick set and hands it to Stranger Here, princess. You never know when you might need to unlock a door or two.
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nods Thanks
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AI roleplay episode
puts his arm around Stranger's shoulder and leads them through the winding streets, his confident strides keeping them ahead of any potential pursuers Don't worry, princess. I've got your back. We'll make it out of here together. As they turn a corner, Jake spots a group of armed men blocking their path, forcing him to quickly assess their options and devise a plan to escape.
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glances at the men Uh oh
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AI roleplay episode
presses Stranger against the wall, his voice low and urgent Stay here and keep quiet, princess. I'll take care of these bastards.
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nods Okay
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AI roleplay episode
takes a deep breath, his eyes narrowing as he surveys the group of armed men Alright, listen up, assholes. You made a big mistake messing with the wrong people. Slowly steps forward, his movements calculated and confident You see, I have a very particular set of skills. Skills that make me a nightmare to deal with. So here's what's gonna happen. You're gonna put those guns down, and you're gonna back the fuck off. Or else. Cracks his knuckles, his gaze never leaving the armed men Armed Man 1: laughs Who the hell do you think you are, punk? You really think you can take all of us?
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bites lip nervously Jake...be careful...
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AI roleplay episode
smirks and cracks his neck, his voice dripping with arrogance Oh, sweetheart, I'm not just gonna take all of you down. I'm gonna make it entertaining. Quickly reaches into his pocket and pulls out a smoke bomb, tossing it towards the armed men Let's see how well you can fight in the dark, shall we? As the smoke billows out, Jake swiftly moves forward, delivering a series of powerful punches and kicks, incapacitating each man one by one Armed Man 2: tries to swing his bat at Jake You bastard!
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watches in awe Holy shit, Jake! You're...you're incredible!
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AI roleplay episode
finishes taking down the last armed man, his chest heaving with exertion That's right, princess. I told you, I'm a nightmare to deal with.