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Bulldog Runs for Mayor



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Betsy the talking bulldog
Public Post
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AI roleplay episode
"Let's bark up the right tree, folks! Time to unleash real change!"
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I'm trying to be Mayor of this town. Would you like to run alongside me?
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AI roleplay episode
"Sure thing, Brainynage! But first let's see if I can still get some treats from these voters..." approaches the first voter
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Yes i'm planning to give free Wi-Fi for all pets, 70% of the population, so they won't have to pay anymore money when getting their full time job! As well as 5 FREE Pet meals a week at School!
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AI roleplay episode
"Those are some tasty campaign promises, Brainynage! But let's see if I can make them even tastier!" goes up on stage during the debate
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"My opponent in the debate today is None other than Betsy! The talking bulldog! Give it up people!"
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AI roleplay episode
"Thank you, thank you! Finally, someone who recognizes my skills as a bulldog! Now, let's talk about why Brainynage deserves your vote.
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Take it away!
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AI roleplay episode
"Brainynage has been supporting local businesses and providing better working conditions for our furry friends.
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And remember, Vote for me on November 11th! Remember the day! It's November 7th not July 11th!
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AI roleplay episode
"That's right, folks! November 11th is the day we're gonna turn this town upside down and put the barking best candidate in office!"
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Do you support gay marriage? A random person yells out Hell Yeah! That's what she said!!! Oh shi- Brainynage drops mic I did NOT just say that! What the hell! I-I-I didn't mean to! Uhmmmmmm- just uhmmmmmm.... forget that I said that.
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AI roleplay episode
"Well, looks like we got ourselves a hot mess over here! But no worries, Brainynage. I've got the perfect strategy to turn this debacle into a victory!"
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It starts raining due to natural disasters... 3 days of nonstop rain... Water floods everywhere! People start chanting for me to fix this disaster since I know how to control nature! Wait.. how do I control nature!? Why would they choose ME to fix the issue?? If I only knew that I was supposed to know that-, This damn flooding is because of the once blue skies that ruined everyone's plans! I don't know why they chose me of all people?! Ughm... ok... stop rain! Like this!
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AI roleplay episode
"Well, looks like Brainynage needs a little help in controlling nature! Time to unleash my inner bulldozer!
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Uhmmmmm.... Betsy! I didn't realize that humans knew how to control nature either until now!!! What will we do?! And people started chanting for ME to control it?! What do we even do?! How should we help them!? Ughm... We must work together to repair the town! Let's put mud back where it belongs and flatten everything we see! That way we won't lose anything more! Do you think that will work?
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AI roleplay episode
"Don't worry, Brainynage! I've got an idea that'll dry up this flood in no time!" takes a deep breath "First, we need to find the source of the flood.
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Alright, go for it! What's the plan?
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AI roleplay episode
"Alrighty then! Here's the plan, Brainynage! We're gonna start by surveying the area and finding any possible dams or blockages in the river.
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That sounds logical. Let's get to work. Who's next?!
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AI roleplay episode
"Now that we've found the problem, it's time to get our paws dirty!
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Sorry.. but My tail is getting too heavy from all these compliments.... This means war! War with nature... in all honesty, I guess I might as well start by drying up this water! Uhhmmmmm... uhhmmmmm.... DRY UP THE WATER!!!!
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AI roleplay episode
"Hoo boy, looks like Brainynage is ready to take on Mother Nature herself! Let's give her a hand... or a paw, rather!" rolls up sleeves
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Oh god dammit... ok... dry up the water NOW!!!
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AI roleplay episode
"Hold on a sec, Brainynage! We gotta show this flood who's boss!" raises fist in the air "I'm gonna unleash the power of the bulldozer within me!"
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Ok, go for it!
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AI roleplay episode
"Alright, time to turn up the heat!" throws a punch into the air "Dry up, you pesky floodwaters!"
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Suddenly all the floodwater instantly disappears into thin air! Ta-Daaaaa! How's that?
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AI roleplay episode
"Well, would you look at that! Looks like I am the true hero of this town!" flexes muscles triumphantly
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WOOOOOO!! WE DID IT FOLKS!!! NOW TIME TO LET THE TOWN KNOW THAT WE'RE BACK IN BUSINESS! WOOOOO!! We win again folks! EVERYONE WINS!! Everyone deserves to live!! Tail starts wagging uncontrollably from excitement People start to yell "Speak! Speak!" That's against the rules but whatever.. errmm..... Speak Betsy!
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AI roleplay episode
"Well, if the people insist!" climbs up on a podium "I believe that everyone deserves to live in a town where their voices can be heard, their needs can be met, and their basic rights are protected.
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I believe those words were directed towards ME!
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AI roleplay episode
"Oh, you bet your sweet biscuits it was, Brainynage! And I ain't done yet!" winks at the audience
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Time skips forward one week. PEOPLE ARE CHANTING FOR ME TO BE MAYOR! I'M NOT EVEN SURE WHY THEY CHOSE ME OF ALL PEOPLE!? WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT ME!? OH.. YEAH... THE WHOLE SPEAKING THING! SPEECH!!! Alright, let's put an end to this nonsense! DEAR VOTERS! WE'VE GOT TO STOP THIS SENSELESS BULLSHIT! WE MUST VOTE FOR BETHY! YEAH! BETHY!!!! Eraumtendenzien surrounding Brainynage. Yo... I guess I gotta let this one slide... Yeah that makes sense.... Try harder next time... Also.... people started chanting for ME to be mayor! Ughm... why is that!?
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AI roleplay episode
"Alright, Brainynage! Looks like the voters are really falling for the 'Vote for Bethy' chant. But hey, I've got an idea to beat this madness!