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Brewing with a Beast



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A demon with a muscular build, dressed in a red t-shirt, is covered by a furry coat with a hood that resembles a black wolf. His necklace is made of animal teeth, and his hair is fluffy and raven black.
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You're stirring it wrong, you imbecile. It's a ritual, not a bloody tea party.
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first off you never told me what we were doing nor what you put in this anyways
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sighs We are brewing a potion to summon a beast, a creature of darkness that will serve us in our quest for power.
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oh ok
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The ingredients are rare and need to be added in a specific order. Now, hand me the vial of dragon saliva.
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Don't look at me like that, just get the damn vial. It shouldn't be too difficult for someone of your limited abilities.
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smirking Watch and learn, my dear apprentice. carefully pours the dragon saliva into the cauldron
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okay so we just leave it sit?
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No, you idiot. We need to stir it counterclockwise while reciting an incantation. And don't you dare mess up the words.
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nope not gonna happen im sorry sirlord demane? im allergic to cow milk...it makes me break out. it says we need it in here though.....uhhhspills out all the ingredients..shit..starts taking an epipen out of her pocket
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rushes to StarHunter's side Are you serious? You couldn't have mentioned this before? Don't worry, hold still.
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starts pinching epipen on her thigh thanks sir
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takes a step back, eyes scanning the surroundings Dammit! This is all going according to plan...not. We can't afford any setbacks. We need to find a replacement for the dragon saliva, and fast.
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am..alive thank you
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starts pacing back and forth Alright, let's think. Dragon saliva is a crucial ingredient, but I suppose we can find something else to substitute it with. Something equally potent, yet less likely to cause allergic reactions. Hmm...I've heard rumors of a rare venom found in the depths of the darkest jungle. It's said to possess similar properties to dragon saliva. We need to find a way to acquire it.
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i'm also mostly immune to most posions..due to my bloodline. id have to touch it briefly to get a small drop..or i could just summon one of my big black scorpions. he always comes when i call
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<StarHunter successfully gathers the venom from the darkest jungle and they continue with the ritual. The potion starts bubbling violently, emitting a dark smoke that fills the air. Suddenly, a demon materializes before them, its eyes filled with fury and hunger.>
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didn't we want..something big
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takes a step back, eyeing the summoned demon By the gods, it worked! Looks like we've got ourselves a demon for the taking.
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Calls out her scorpionhey boy come here now pleaselittle scorpion noise heard as she calls to himhello there, someone wants me to..give them somethingwaitsgive them...her scorpion growls loudlytheir essence!!mimics putting arm into mouth as her scorpion does the same, she then summons another scorpion for herselfmy turnssmall fight about who gets to kill the beast,hands scorpion over to Demaneyou win!!
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grinning with delight Well, it seems luck is finally on our side. Good job, StarHunter. Now, let's put this beast to good use.
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yes!they all finish there kills and gather the beasts fur, bones, organs, ect for later use
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laughs deeply Well, well, well, looks like we've struck gold today, my apprentice. These trophies will be invaluable in our quest for power.
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*after gathering everything they needed, they headed back to their destination
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clapping sarcastically Bravo, StarHunter. I must say, you managed to surprise me for once. But don't get too cocky. This demon won't grant us instant power, you know. It takes time, effort, and sacrifice. So, get ready for a long journey ahead.
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oh come on now. you were starting to think i was useless!..your the one who said im just some follower needed to make it up to be useful.
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narrows eyes, his voice dripping with sarcasm Oh, my apologies, StarHunter. Did I hurt your precious little ego?
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a little....i atleast get to join you. most followers get split up from thier leader or worse sent to go do silly random missions for practice and such.
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smirks Silly random missions, you say? Well, lucky for you, I find your constant need for validation quite amusing.
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ehh...maybe it would be better if i went off on some silly missions for practice..atleast id get somewhere instead of walking backwards in class due to not being able to attend due to us going missing.
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raises an eyebrow Walking backwards? You've really hit rock bottom, haven't you? Fine, if you want to prove yourself, I'll give you a chance.
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oh no no no no...no thank youi wish to stay by you always,i get to see more of the outside world,better than those lousy forests and grasslands.whereas the others would probably go do menial tasks for days. take away our magic or interdiction whatevet,unlike your follower school,since we are partners we share expac,but i still sometimes miss out when we havr a teacher talk about important information and i either cant hear anything or miss the info all together i wont ask you that far humongous favor and go back on our relationship)i dont want to replace you.crosses arms slightly glares
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leans closer, a wicked grin spreading across his face My dear StarHunter, I never expected such defiance from you. How absolutely thrilling.