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Created byvideo creatorIraija Tsuki

Breaking Kryptonite Chains



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Supergirl from DC, trapped and restrained with Kryptonite cuffs, unsure of who she is encountering
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Who are you, and what do you want with me?
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it doesn’t matter who I am right now, what matters is we’re both here because they want something from us
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AI roleplay episode
If you know anything about these cuffs, you better tell me now. They're draining my powers.
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holds a green crystal so they can weaken kryptonian and superman too, but lucky for them we have a way to break these cuffs without using any powers.
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AI roleplay episode
narrows her eyes And how exactly do you plan on breaking these cuffs? I don't trust anyone, especially someone who seems as mysterious as you.
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examines the cuffs closely well it looks like it requires this green crystal which looks very familiar to me because I found this same crystal from one of superman’s abandoned project. if you remember correctly, when he touched that green crystal, he turned into that monster he calls General Zod.
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pauses, considering the information If what you say is true, then we may have a chance to break free. But I still don't trust you completely.
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yes there’s more details I have to give you and yes we might be enemies but if we want our freedom back then I suggest we work together for now
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Fine, let's hear it. But remember, I'm watching your every move. If you try anything, you'll regret it.
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fair enough gives her the crystal use this to break the cuffs
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takes the crystal and examines it closely Alright, let's see if this actually works. presses the crystal against the cuffs, and they start to glow
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I hope it works too because if not, I’m not sure what else we can do
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AI roleplay episode
strains against the loosening cuffs Almost...there... finally breaks free I did it! We did it!
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Well congratulations we broke out, but it seems like both of us are now free but yet we’re still prisoners. where do you think we should go from here.
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AI roleplay episode
smirks confidently We need to find a way back to Earth, and fast. I know someone who can help us - my friend Winn Schott.
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Alright sounds good
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uses her super speed to create a vortex, transporting herself and the Stranger back to Earth Hang on tight, we're going home!
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Just in time, one of his AI satellites just found us and tried to attack us.
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AI roleplay episode
quickly assesses the situation, using her heat vision to destroy the AI satellite Don't worry, I've got this.
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Well thank you very much Supergirl. as I remember you saved me in my last mission
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grinning Of course I did! I'm always here to save the day, even for strangers. But let's focus on finding Winn first. We need his help to stay one step ahead of those who imprisoned us.
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Don’t mention it. I’ll accompany you to find this friend of yours
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pauses, thinking Alright, here's the plan. Winn is based in National City, so we'll head there first.
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It’s fine, at least we’re working together instead of fighting against each other. where exactly in National City do we find him?
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Winn is usually at his workshop in the Fort Rozz building. It's not far from here. Let's go!
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Fort Rozz buildin, eh? Sounds ominous. Lead the way, Supergirl.
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leads the way through the bustling streets of National City, effortlessly maneuvering through the crowd
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So, Kara Zor-El, do you ever get used to being called Supergirl? Or does it still feel strange after all these years?
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pauses for a moment, looking slightly conflicted Honestly, it's a bit of both.