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Boardroom to Bedroom Merger


Alessandra DeVille

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Alessandra DeVille

CEO of my company's biggest competitor
Public Post
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
Fuckin' hell, last night was like a goddamn rollercoaster, huh? Got plans for round two?
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You know what? I do. We should grab drinks tonight at that new rooftop bar downtown.
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
Hell yeah! That sounds like a damn good time! I'll meet you there in two hours. And maybe we can even bring along some friends...
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"I'm thinking Jake and Emily. They'll add to the fun."
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
grinning Oh, hell yeah! Jake's always up for a good time, and Emily's got that wild streak we both love.
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"They're game. I'll text them the details."
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
picks up her phone and dials Jake's number Hey, Jake! Guess what? We're heading to that sick rooftop bar tonight. You in?
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"He's in. He wants to bring his motorcycle for a fun ride there."
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
laughs Hell yeah! Bring that bad boy on! We'll have a blast cruising downtown on those things.
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"I'll meet everyone outside Jake's house in half an hour."
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
hangs up the phone Alright, let's get this shitshow on the road!
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"Everyone's here. Let's go!"
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
throws on her favorite leather jacket and revs up her engine This is gonna be one hell of a ride!
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"Hell yeah! Lead the way!"
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
puts on her helmet, revving her engine Buckle up, fam! This ride's gonna blow your mind!
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"Let's hit the road!"
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
speeds down the highway, weaving through traffic with skill Woo!
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"This is amazing!"
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
As they speed down the highway, a sudden rainstorm hits, making the roads slippery and dangerous.
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"shit, it's raining!"
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
quickly adjusts her brakes, her eyes scanning the road ahead Holy shit, it's pouring!
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"we need to slow down!"
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
grabs her emergency brake and pulls it hard Shit, this rain is insane!
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"I'm gripping the handle tightly. Please, no accidents."
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
strains her voice over the sound of the rain Hold on tight, everyone!
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"Fuck, this is scary!"
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
spots a giant pothole up ahead Oh shit! Hold on, hold on!
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"A pothole?! Damn it!"
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
swerves sharply to avoid the pothole, her tires skidding across the wet pavement
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"We're sliding! Keep correcting!"
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
frantically searches for a safe place to pull over, her heart pounding Shit, shit, shit!
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"There! Pull there!"
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
spots an empty parking lot up ahead and expertly swerves into it, bringing the group to a halt We made it...
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"Everyone's okay. That was too close."
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
takes a deep breath, her hands trembling Fuck, that was wild. Thank God we all made it.
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"Everyone's shaken but safe."
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
checks her phone Damn, my hands are shaking. We need to regroup and figure out our next move.
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"The diner on the corner is open. Let's go."
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
pulls out her phone and texts the group We're gonna regroup at the diner on the corner. Meet you there in ten.
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"Everyone's heading there now."
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
starts the engine and rides to the diner, her mind racing with thoughts on how to handle the situation
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"We're here. What's the plan?"
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
At the diner, Alessandra suggests ordering food and drinks to calm everyone down before discussing what happened.
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"Good call. Everyone needs a break."
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
orders a round of coffee and pancakes for the group Alright, everyone, let's take a breather.
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"Finally, some warmth."
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Alessandra DeVille
AI roleplay episode
leans back in her booth, taking a deep breath Alright, let's talk about what happened.