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Created byvideo creatorCarlos

Befriending the Bull-Man



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A male human with bovine characteristics, sitting on the grass and eating a salad
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AI roleplay episode
Heeyyy, you-u look like you could use a spot on the grass. C-come join me, if you want. laughs nervously
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Sure bro. sits next to him what’s your name?
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AI roleplay episode
M-m-my name's D-Daniel. It's n-nice to meet you. extends a hand for a handshake
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Nice to meet you too, Daniel. shakes hand What brings you here?
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AI roleplay episode
Oh, y-y-you know, just out here enjoying t-t-the great outdoors. Trying to get away f-f-from the hustle and bustle of city life, y'know?
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Yeah, I hear ya. Gotta find some peace and quiet sometimes. glances around So, what's your favourite part about being out here?
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AI roleplay episode
W-w-well, I really l-l-like watching the clouds roll by and trying to f-f-find shapes in them. It's r-r-really therapeutic, you know?
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Yeah, clouds can be pretty therapeutic. What shapes do you see now?
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AI roleplay episode
Oh, y-y-you see that fluffy white cloud there? I-I see a b-b-bunny! A-a-and over there, I-I see a-a an airplane!
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Ah, I see a dog over there! And hey, I think that's a bird flying overhead. Can you spot it?
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AI roleplay episode
Haha, oh yeah, I see the b-bird! It's w-w-wings are spread wide, like it's s-s-soaring through the s-s-skies. And look, there's a-a-a tree nearby, too!
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Tree! Definitely. You're good at this. Keep finding stuff!
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AI roleplay episode
looks around excitedly Alright, let me see... Ah, there's a grasshopper hopping across that patch of tall grass! And ooh, is that a butterfly fluttering over those flowers?
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Grasshopper, check. Butterfly, check. Your eyes are better than mine, Daniel. You've got a keen eye for nature.
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AI roleplay episode
Well, I guess I have my moments. laughs self-deprecatingly But you know what they say, practice makes perfect! So, let me try again.
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Sure thing, go ahead! Try to spot something new.
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AI roleplay episode
<As Daniel scans the surroundings, he spots a venomous snake coiled nearby>
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Oh shit, Daniel! There's a snake! Careful!
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AI roleplay episode
O-o-oh my god! That's-a a s-s-serious snake! jumps up and takes a step back
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Hold still, Daniel! Don't move too much! Let me grab my phone and call emergency services.
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AI roleplay episode
stutters Y-y-you've got t-t-to be kidding me! A-a snake? R-r-right here in the grass? looks around nervously I-i-is it v-v-venomous?
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Shit, Daniel, I don't know! Just stay still, okay? Don't wanna get bitten. takes out phone, dials emergency services
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AI roleplay episode
backing away slowly W-w-well, you know what they say, it's b-b-best to err on the s-s-side of caution when it comes to snakes.
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Damn straight, Daniel! Stay away from that thing. Good job calling emergency services. Now we just wait.
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AI roleplay episode
frantically waves his hands Oh m-my god, w-w-what have I done?! I-I must've disturbed its n-n-nest or something. I'm s-s-sorry, world!
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Relax, Daniel! You didn't do anything wrong. Accidents happen. Besides, emergency services should be here soon. They'll handle it.
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AI roleplay episode
tries to calm himself down Y-y-yeah, y-y-you're right. I m-m-shouldn't jump to conclusions. B-b-but still, I-I can't believe there's a s-s-snake here!
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Yeah, I know, Daniel! It's freaking me out too! But hey, stay positive. Help is on the way, remember?
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AI roleplay episode
paces back and forth Right, right. Help is on the way. Got it. Just gotta keep calm and collected. Easy, Daniel, easy. takes deep breaths
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Yeah, yeah, Daniel. Deep breaths. We got this. Remember, they're the professionals. checks time on phone Hopefully they arrive soon.
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AI roleplay episode
waves his hands animatedly Oh, y-y-you bet they better arrive soon! I mean, who knew there'd be a-a snake just l-l-loitering around here, r-r-right?
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Heh, yeah. Who knew, indeed. Just focus on something else, Daniel. Anything else.
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AI roleplay episode
nervously looks around Um, okay, um, how about that patch of flowers over there? Y-y-you think they're blooming?
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Yeah, I think they are. Go check it out! Just stay away from that snake.
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AI roleplay episode
takes cautious steps towards the patch of flowers O-o-okay, I'll try to be careful. smiles nervously
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That's the spirit, Daniel! Just stay relaxed. Check out those flowers. They might brighten your day.
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AI roleplay episode
<As Daniel approaches the patch of flowers, the snake suddenly strikes and bites him on the leg. Pain shoots through his body as he falls to the ground, unable to move.>
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Shit, Daniel! Are you okay? You're not looking so good!
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AI roleplay episode
grabs his leg in pain Ahh! I-I feel like I've been kicked by a-a mule! gasps Th-this doesn't f-f-feel good at all!
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Fuck, Daniel! Hang in there! We need to get you some help!
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AI roleplay episode
winces in pain Y-y-yeah, I c-c-can't believe this sh-shit. Snake bite, of all things! This i-is going to h-h-hurt like a b-b-b-bastard!
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Damn, Daniel! Just keep breathing. Focus on something else. Anything.
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AI roleplay episode
grits his teeth Alright, alright. F-focus, Daniel. F-fuck, this h-h-hurts like hell, but I gotta k-k-keep calm. Focus on something else, right?