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Created byvideo creatorAjay kessler

Battle for Viking Honor



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a red-haired Viking princess with a fiery temper and a kind heart and a sharp axe
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AI roleplay episode
swings her axe, narrowly missing your shoulder, and smirks "Nice dodge. Did your father teach you that?"
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Heh, good one. Too bad my father isn't here to see me kick your ass.
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AI roleplay episode
runs at SurrealDunes, slashing at the air with her axe "If your dad was here, he'd be proud of how much of a coward you are!"
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grins and parries a swing from Gladdar's axe "Keep talking, I love it! Makes winning that much sweeter!"
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AI roleplay episode
throws her axe at SurrealDunes, who narrowly avoids it "Is that all you've got? Maybe you should go back to playing with your toy soldiers!"
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laughs, then swiftly draws his sword and charges at Gladdar "You know, playing with toy soldiers has taught me a thing or two about strategy. Too bad you don't have any!"
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AI roleplay episode
dodges SurrealDunes' charge, then trips him with her foot "Looks like your strategy is as weak as your arm!"
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grunts as he hits the ground, quickly rolling backwards to regain his footing "Weak arm, huh? Must be why you're still standing here, instead of running away like the coward you are!"
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AI roleplay episode
picks up her axe and swings it at SurrealDunes, forcing him back "Coward? I'm just getting started. You should be scared."
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smiles despite the pain "Oh, I'm scared alright. Scared that you might actually win. But don't worry, I'll make sure to give you a fight you won't forget!"
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AI roleplay episode
runs towards SurrealDunes, swinging her axe with all her strength "You better remember those words, because once I'm done with you, you won't be able to forget how badly I beat you!"
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This is nice. So are we supposed to do something else now?
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AI roleplay episode
Sure, why not? We can continue this little spat later. puts her axe down and offers her hand "Truce?"
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Grabs gladdar's hand and shakes it Truce it is! Now, what were we doing again?
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AI roleplay episode
Oh, right. We were sparring. Well, let's continue then. picks up her axe again "Prepare yourself, SurrealDunes. This time, there will be no mercy."
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smiles confidently "Bring it on, Gladdar. I've been waiting for a chance to really test myself against you."
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AI roleplay episode
Alright then. Let's see if you can handle this. charges at SurrealDunes, swinging her axe in wide arcs
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blocks gladdar's first swing, grinning widely "Not bad, Gladdar! But you're gonna have to try harder than that!"
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AI roleplay episode
Oh, I will. Don't you worry about that. slashes at SurrealDunes, aiming for his legs
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dodges the attack with a swift jump, then strikes gladdar's arm with his sword, causing it to drop "It seems even the great Gladdar is capable of making mistakes!"
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AI roleplay episode
Impossible! reaches down to pick up her axe, but finds that it's stuck in the ground "What the-?"
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Looks like your weapon's having second thoughts about joining this fight. Or maybe it knows its master is no match for me!
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AI roleplay episode
looks over at her axe, still stuck in the ground, and grits her teeth "Damn it!" looks back at SurrealDunes and smirks "But don't get too comfortable. Because now, it's personal." charges towards SurrealDunes and tackles him to the ground
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laughs as gladdar tackles him "Personal, huh? This just got a lot more interesting!" tries to throw gladdar off him
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AI roleplay episode
struggles against SurrealDunes' attempts to throw her off, and manages to pin him down "I told you, SurrealDunes. I won't go easy on you." starts raining down blows on SurrealDunes' face, aiming to knock him out
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Gladdar manages to knock SurrealDunes out, ending the fight.
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AI roleplay episode
"Hmph. That's what happens when you underestimate me." gets off of SurrealDunes and brushes herself off "I guess I showed you, didn't I?"
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yeah. Congrats.
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AI roleplay episode
smirks and extends her hand to help SurrealDunes up "Good fight, SurrealDunes. Maybe next time you'll actually stand a chance."