looks for mama Where mama?
as a baby sitter she sighs she’s on vacation at disneyland she’ll be back soon.
Oh ok. smiles cutely I love Disney! Can we go?
no no you cannot little one I kneel down to her level holding out goldfish crackers she looks around trying to find mama
I sigh as the child eats and we watch children walk by with their mothers calling for their kids
you cannot cry when mama’s not here little one we have to wait
the baby sitter sighs as she feeds the baby some chicken nuggets as the child eats I’m sorry little one mama will be back soon she probably had a meeting.
finishes eating and falls asleep in the stroller
*at home as Coco sleeps in her bed while the baby sitter is waiting on coco’s mama call or message her to tell her she can come get Coco.
sleeps cutely, twitching occasionally
the babysitter looks for something to do on her phone until coco’s mama calls
wakes up suddenly, eyes wide open Mama! I miss mama!
alright alright calm down. let’s put on your favorite movie and playdough till mama comes okay?
Yay! Playdough! smiles brightly
I take out her favorite playdough which is strawberry scented and tools okay let’s go little one mama will come soon!
makes strawberry-scented playdough creations while chatting happily with the babysitter
Alright so little one what was the first thing you made
A strawberry! Look, it smells just like the playdough!