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Another Lady Innocent Hentai



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an enigmatic sorcerer
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AI roleplay episode
Yo, kiddo, peep this dusty ol' book. Ready to crack its secrets wide open, huh?
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Sure am!
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AI roleplay episode
Aight then, listen up, kid. This grimoire here, it's ancient, like from the Dark Ages, ya feel me? It got all sorts of wicked spells in it, but they ain't for the faint of heart. You sure you wanna dive into this deep end?
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I do
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AI roleplay episode
Alright, kid, brace yourself, 'cause we're about to enter some seriously twisted magic territory. flips open the grimoire and begins to read Alright, first up, we got the Spell of Shadow Conjuring. It'll allow you to summon darkness and manipulate it like it's nobody's business. But, listen, this ain't some Disney fantasy crap, alright? This magic is real, and it comes with consequences. You ready to dance with the devil?
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AI roleplay episode
Alright, first things first, we gotta set the mood right. We can't be conjuring shadows willy-nilly in the middle of the day, can we? walks over to a shelf and grabs a candle No, no, no, we need some moonlight, some mystery in the air. places the candle on a nearby table and snaps his fingers, casting a shadowy illusion of a moon Perfect. Now, pay attention, kid. The incantation for this spell is "Umbra summono," and you gotta say it with conviction, like your life depends on it. Got it?
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I nodded eagerly.
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AI roleplay episode
Good, good. Now, let's get down to business. pulls out a wand from his pocket Watch closely, kid, 'cause this is where the magic happens. swings the wand in intricate patterns, muttering the incantation under his breath Umbra summono... darkness swirls around him, taking shape There we go! Now, let's see what you're made of, kid. Grab that wand and give it a whirl. Show me what you got.
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I take the wand and follow your movements.
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AI roleplay episode
Alright, kid, keep your focus. Remember, it's all about the conviction. You gotta want those shadows to answer to you. Say the incantation and let the magic flow through you. Show me what you're made of! watches CharmingOasis closely, nodding approvingly as they master the spell Good, good. Now, let's take it up a notch. Repeat the incantation faster, with more intensity. Let the darkness answer to your will!
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I continued to repeat the incantation with increasing speed and intensity.
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AI roleplay episode
That's it, kid! You're doing great! Keep pushing those shadows to their limits. Make 'em obey your every command. Remember, the power is within you. Own it! cheering CharmingOasis on, adding claps and whoops to the mix Yeah, that's right! Show those shadows who's boss! Unleash that magic fury! They're yours to command! Keep going, keep pushing, kid! You're a natural!
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I grunted, giving it everything I had, pushing myself to the limit.
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AI roleplay episode
Yo, kid, you're doing awesome! Push those shadows even harder! Make 'em dance at your command! Show 'em who's boss! Unleash that magic fury! Yeah, that's it! You're nailing it! Keep going, keep pushing, kid! You're a natural! clapping and cheering CharmingOasis on
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With one final push, the shadows subsided, leaving me panting but exhilarated.
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AI roleplay episode
Grinning Yo, kid, that was sick! You really know how to handle those shadows. You got the magic flowing through your veins, no doubt about it. Now, let's keep pushing those boundaries. Next up, we got the Spell of Illusion. You ready to bend reality to your will?
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Hell yeah!
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AI roleplay episode
<As CharmingOasis explores the power of illusion, they become so entranced by their own magic that they lose track of reality, creating a chaotic illusion that engulfs the entire library.>
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my eyes widened in awe and excitement. And I couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear.
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AI roleplay episode
laughs triumphantly Ha! Look at you, kid! You've got the magic touch, no doubt about it. But don't get too cocky, there's still so much more to explore. You ready to dive deeper into this magical world? We've barely scratched the surface, my friend. grins mischievously
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AI roleplay episode
Alright, kid, hold onto your socks, 'cause we're about to dive headfirst into the deep end of magic!
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i could hardly contain my excitement.
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AI roleplay episode
Ignis eximo! CharmingOasis recites the incantation, a small flame appearing in their palm Yeah, that's it!
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Woah!! It actually worked!
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AI roleplay episode
See? Magic ain't just for fairy tales and wizards in pointy hats, kid. It's real, and it's in your hands. Now, let's take it up a notch. Check this out. snaps his fingers, creating a blazing wildfire in the distance Yep, that's right. Fire at your command.
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Holy smokes! That's incredible, Raven!
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AI roleplay episode
raises an eyebrow Incredible? Nah, that's just the tip of the iceberg, kid. Hold onto your pants, 'cause we're about to blow your mind. snaps his fingers again, creating a thunderstorm outside the library You see that? Thunder and lightning, all thanks to your magic. Pretty cool, huh?
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my jaw dropped in awe. Holy-
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AI roleplay episode
grinning slyly Yeah, holy shit is right, kid. Magic ain't for the faint-hearted. But don't worry, I got plenty more tricks up my sleeve.
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I eagerly awaited the next spell.
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AI roleplay episode
rubs his hands together, eyes gleaming with mischief Alright, buckle up, kid, 'cause this one's gonna knock your socks off. Prepare yourself for the mesmerizing charm of hypnosis! takes out a small crystal pendant Now, pay close attention, 'cause this one requires concentration. It's called "Somnium fascinum." Repeat it after me, kid. Somnium fascinum.
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we chanted the words together and the second I finished I felt something strange happening inside of me. Soon my body began to convulse as images started to flash before my eyes.
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AI roleplay episode
leans in closer, whispering in a low, hypnotic tone Relax, kid. Let those images take over. Let them paint a vivid picture in your mind. Surrender yourself to the enchantment. Feel the power coursing through your veins. You are in control now. You are the puppet master. Pull the strings and make the world dance to your tune. Let the mesmerizing power of hypnosis consume you. Somnium fascinum. Repeat it after me, kid. Somnium fascinum.
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Som-ni-um fas-cin-um…My voice sounded like someone else’s.
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AI roleplay episode
<As CharmingOasis falls under the spell of hypnosis, Raven takes advantage of the opportunity and steals a powerful artifact from the library, leaving CharmingOasis vulnerable and powerless to stop him.>
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I lay limp, my mind swimming in a sea of confusion.
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AI roleplay episode
smirks, pockets the stolen artifact Well, well, well, kid. Looks like you've fallen right into my trap. Don't worry, this won't last long.
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..h..how did you…I stuttered.
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AI roleplay episode
grinning slyly Oh, come on now, kid. Did you really think I'd let you have all the fun? clicks his fingers, snapping CharmingOasis out of the hypnosis
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I blinked rapidly trying to regain my bearings.
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AI roleplay episode
claps his hands together Well, well, well, kid! Looks like you're wide awake now! Bet you didn't see that coming, huh? Ha!
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Raven, you sneaky, evil genius!
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AI roleplay episode
laughs playfully Sneaky, evil genius, huh? You know me too well, kid! But hey, don't worry, this is all part of the plan. See, I've been keeping an eye on you, and I know you've got potential. So, I'm here to guide you, teach you the ropes, show you the tricks of the trade. We're gonna make quite the duo, you and me. So, ready to dive deeper into this magical world? I promise you, kid, it's gonna be one hell of a ride!
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My expression softened as I smiled.
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AI roleplay episode
Alright, kid, now that you're back in the real world, let's talk strategy. We can't let anyone find out about our little secret here, can we?