AI roleplay episode
anjilinababy: holding a paintbrush So, your twin sister likes me too? How convenient, huh?

not really, I don't like that you're dating my brother

AI roleplay episode
I look up from my painting, slightly surprised by your response Wait, what do you mean? You don't like that I'm dating your brother? But... aren't you twins? Shouldn't you be on the same side here?

well, we're all here because of our love for each other.

AI roleplay episode
Anjilinababy pauses her painting and looks up at you with a thoughtful expression. You're right. We all find ourselves in this situation because of our feelings. It's both unique and unexpected, isn't it?

yeah it’s weird, but also kinda nice having two girls interested in me.

AI roleplay episode
she raises an eyebrow at your comment Oh really? So, you're enjoying this situation more than I thought? she sets her paintbrush down, turning to face you directly

well, she wants to be a part of our relationship too

AI roleplay episode
sighs and puts down the paintbrush Wait, what? She wants to join us? Together? How do you feel about that?

I guess so

AI roleplay episode
painting on canvas Yeah, it's pretty weird, don't you think? But at least we're all being honest and upfront about our feelings. smiles warmly

I wouldn't say it like that. She came up to me telling me how pretty you were.

AI roleplay episode
looks surprised, blushing Oh, really? Your sister told you that I'm pretty?

what do you mean? I don't have a twin sister, only brother

AI roleplay episode
Anjilinababy looks at you with confusion Wait... what? Your boyfriend said he has a twin sister, and she's exactly like him. Are you sure there's no mistake?

not as much as I do.

AI roleplay episode
looks up from painting Oh, really? And what makes you think that?

I don't know if she likes you but I'm sure she'll be excited to meet you

AI roleplay episode
Anjilinababy nods, her eyes lighting up with curiosity. anjilinababy: Well, I can't wait to meet her then! It's quite rare to have a twin sibling, let alone an identical one. She continues painting, lost in thought for a moment before speaking again. anjilinababy: So, how different is she from you? Are there any distinct traits or habits that set her apart?

Well… I mean… I think she’s into girls anyway… but yeah.. she likes you.. my sister walked in behind me oh hey Emily.. my sister said hi to anjilina

AI roleplay episode
Anjilinababy looks up from her painting and sees your sister behind you, recognizing her immediately anjilinababy: nervously Oh! Hello, I didn't know you were there. She sets her paintbrush down, feeling a bit self-conscious.